Today I am going to talk about a person who I feel is truly
an angel. Jennifer Stanley touched the lives of so many
people. She has so many friends and family members who love
her. I met Jennifer when I was working at Pulaski County High
School in the Pre-vocational classroom. She and I became very
close, as she did with everyone. One of the fondest memories
I have of Jennifer is how we would dance together. There were
times when I was tired, but when you had a partner like
Jennifer, you found the energy.
As I worked with and taught Jennifer, I noticed something…SHE
was actually teaching me! She taught me so many things. I
think if everyone thought for a moment, they could think of
something Jennifer taught them. Jennifer definitely had a
purpose on this Earth. She taught us many lessons. She brought
smiles to many faces. There were mornings when I didn’t want
to be at work or I was tired. But when Jennifer got there she
would always have a smile on her face and be full of joy. She
made me glad to be at work.
She also taught me what we take for granted. Jennifer could
find happiness in the smallest of toys. We tend to want the
prettiest objects or the biggest or most expensive. But Jen
was happy with the smallest of things. Most importantly,
Jennifer taught us how life should be lived. She was the kind
of person God would want us all to be. She didn’t hold
grudges, she went out of her way to talk to everyone, she was
always happy and she was always giving. It didn’t matter
their skin color, whether they were boy or girl, how old they
were, or their disability. This is a quality we should all
possess. Jennifer had no discrimination or hatred. I wish
all of out youth were like Jennifer. There would be no
fighting in schools, no bomb threats, and no violence.
Schools would be filled with people walking around hugging
each other. I think we should all strive to be more like
Jennifer. The world would be a much better place. I feel
that was Jennifer’s main purpose on this Earth, to show us
how life should be lived.
I feel that life is a test and I know that right now God is
giving Jennifer her grade and it is definitely an A+!!
As I was driving back from the visitation last night,I passed
a lot of people and I felt sorry for them because perhaps
they did not know Jennifer. I would feel cheated if I didn’t
know Jennifer.
I know it is hard, but try not to cry, because we all know
Jennifer hated to see people cry. She is in a better place.
There is definitely a special place in Heaven for Jennifer.
We lost an Angel here on Earth, but God gained an Angel in
Heaven and she is dancing at God’s feet.
I wouldn’t trade any of my memories of Jennifer for anything,
except maybe for a few more special times with her. I look
forward to the day that she and I can dance again. We will
love and miss her.