This is the home of our
adopted reindeer, Spinner

He's a little shy.
Let's see if we can tempt him with a treat.

Come in, Spinner

Spinner the Reindeer

There you are!!!

Spinner is in training.

He wants to be one of the reindeer who will pull
Santa's sleigh in 1999 as Santa delivers his toys
to all the good boys and girls around the world

Oh Oh Oh!!! Is that Santa's hat? 

Do you know what reindeer use in their training?

Spinner practises his jumping over this fence

The trampoline is so Spinner can work on his floating and jumping skills

The ball is is for developing eye-nose coordination

And this game is to help Spinner learn how to find his way
even when it's foggy and he can't see very well.

We are waiting for Santa to visit
Do you think he will call past soon?

Get your own deer from The Mousepad

You are listening to "Do You Hear What I Hear"

Note: All graphics on this page are not public domain
so they are not available from download from this site

Some of my graphics are from The Mousepad

Member of Heartlanders2000