Hello, my name is Granidee.Welcome to Rainbow Room, I'm so glad you stopped by. Please call me, Granidee, all my friends do. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I live in a very small town in northwest Alabama. I have been married to my best friend "Pops" for 32 glorious years. We have 3 fantastic sons, they have brought us 3 lovely daughters and 5 very dear little grandsons and 1 darling little granddaughter. The good Lord, has richly blessed us with a wonderful loving family, and we are so very thankful for them.
I am fairly new to the internet world, but in the short time I have been here, I have made so many great friends. To these wonderful friends, I would like to say, Thank You, for without their help and encouragement this page(s) would not be possible. My Rainbow of Friends (as I call them) and I enjoy playing games, talking , trading our favorites, and just plain gossiping with each other. I am always looking for new friends to add to my Rainbow.
I do hope you will take a look in my treasure chest, all the pages there have special meaning to me and and I would like to share them with you.
It is my hope that you will find warmth for your heart, and that you will help me celebrate the joy of life, love and friendship.
Now, go on and take a peek, and remember to come back often, I love having friends stop by.
P.S. Help spread a little sunshine
give everyone you meet,
one of your beautiful SMILES!!

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