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True friends are forever,
they never go come what may.
True friends last a lifetime,
Their friendship never slips away.

They are faithful, they are true,
they are caring and loving too.
True friends are hard to find,
They are rare and one of a kind...

And when I think of a friend that is true,
I always think of you...

Thank you for being a true friend.
True friends are invaluable,
indispensable and unforgettable.

~~Author Unknown~~

Please Visit My Other Pages

Cher's Place Friends Are Angels He Said He Would
Guardian Angel Forever Friend Falling Snow
Born Free True Friends My Online Friend
Lion Sleeps Tonight A Friend When
Dreams Come True Touch Me Best Friends
What If Wishes For You Golden Friendship
Angels Beside You Dearest Online Friend Mary
Friends Stand By For You Treasures In Life
God Bless The USA Awards

My Christmas Pages

Favorite Season Winter Wonderland Season's Greetings
Santa Christmas Prayer I Wish You Joy
My Friend

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