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Christmas 2002 pictures 
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Hi, It's me again, Emily. I have finally persuaded Daddy to let me update the web page. So here are new pictures of us, including pictures of Allison Grace. Ain't she cute. And Trust me I know cute... Just look at me.
Here is Jared being silly, as usual.
AWWWWW look at the sleeping baby.SHHHHHH.... Don't wake her up. I don't know why she is so tired all the time all she ever does it eat and mess in her diapers.
Wonder what she is thinking here? Either  This guy is strange, or man I need my diaper changed.
Here we are in our superhero disguises.  Didn't recognize us, did you? We are Bubba Head, and  Google Girl The nemisis of evil Parental Tyrany everywhere. But, dont tell anyone.
Jared and I are just acting well behaved.
Here is Daddy and his favorite toy. Ain't he a handsome feller!
Here is another picture of the War Wagon----Just cause I could.
Oh, come on and smile, you know the monkey is funny!
Correction: Jared pointed out that this is a
gorillia not a monkey. Sorry for the confusion!
Visit Walkers in Darkness
New Pics of Allison
Jareds monster truck page
The War Wagon