A Pictorial Visit With The CATS

IMDJ1 pushes while Fonee and Rabbit line up an old barrel to serve as a table.

Dottie, Touche and Lorrrobb get the singing and dancing ready in the super-sub room.

Golfnldy intimidates some of the newcomers.

Jin pays off Al the Dealer who found dealing much more lucrative than leading a band of rats.

The now infamous



RedRover and Opensesamenow look over the opposition from atop the restaurant.

Myrna gives last minute instructions and encouragement to the new members of the team. Her famous "win one for the Gipper" speech is still being re-told in the shadows of the golden dome of Notre Dame. Her soon to be immortalized war cry which led to unexpected routing of the dogs still rings in the alley. "Here Comes The Dogcatcher".

Little Swan gets in practice whenever she can. Here she demonstrates the right cross slash which made her famous.

Pom Two and McMe wait patiently for opponents. Don't let the appearance fool you. These two "kittens" will eat you for lunch.

Legal eagles Apache, Harlequin Smiles and Alan Mitchell make sure everyone plays by the book. When necessary, they bring their own.

If Kareyn_au gets up in time she may make an appearance. Trouble is, it's 4:00 a.m. on the other side of the world.

Acastofmany in his much feared pre-match stare down pose. Many a young puppy has run from the alley after coming face to face with it.

Pob and Orla try to decide which side they will play for this time. Pob has become a superb secret agent through all the costume changes. Orla is now wanted on two continents for being a double agent. Whichever side these two are on, watch out other side.

Meggiebaby is consoled by Juan NoTrump while Barbara and NeJunebug try to help

Rueful Rabbit is ready to take on all comers. This swashbuckling rogue has broken many a heart. Also many a diamond, club and spade, but that's another story.

Yadenwise and Caladie teach a novice to bake for the matches.

Dittny convinces Errikos which side the alley is buttered on.

Glossit and Poppeye strut to the table


Even Dmoen Brokimit and Amanda can't fix all the tables

DrAnnaLee looks over the list of opponents and savors the possibilities.

Sunny OR discusses strategy with one of the other clans

The Holy Guy puts in a call for help. With his connections, those dogs don't stand a chance.

Felden1 prepares for the worst.

Melkor Vala stands by daring an unsuspecting dog to challenge.

Bonniehilliard, Susie and GaleB clear off one of the tables as Nonny supervises.