Max's Alley

Code of Conduct

"Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated"

  1. Try to be kind, courteous, polite and friendly:

 Say hi when someone enters the room

 Say well done or good try after a hand is played

 Don't use foul language or tell off-color jokes at the table

 Say goodnite when leaving a room and try to wait at least 10 seconds for others to respond (Max called this the 10-second rule)

 Don't just leave a table you are playing at in mid-hand, unless it's an emergency

 If you sit when someone's partner crashes, and they return in short order, perhaps you could stand up again as soon as it seems proper (either immediately or the end of the hand)

 When you enter a game as a fourth, try not to sit and immediately demand to clear score. At least say hi, and perhaps ask first.

2. Try to be helpful and patient:

 If someone crashes that has been an obvious part of your game for a while give them at least a few minutes to get back

 If a new player asks for help, direct them to a bridge website or the beginner's lounge

3. Always play as if people are more important than score:

 Remember the vagaries of yahoo will often mean that one team may get a streak of better cards, so be gracious and do not seek to humiliate the opposition.

 If the score is quite one-sided, perhaps use the level of approximately 3000 points and offer to clear the score for them. If you happen to be on the 'bad' side of the streak, be cheerful for the good cards your opps are getting. Your turn will come.

 If the opposition says 'oops' after an obvious mis-click be gracious about offering an undo.

4. Try to be modest in your approach:

 Try not to embarrass your partner by publicly criticizing them

 Do not brag about what a wonderful player you are, actions speak much louder

5. Above all, HAVE FUN:

 Enjoy the people you are playing with and enjoy your game

 Try to remember that this is a game. People come to bridge to enjoy themselves, and especially in Social Lounge, they want to relax and have fun

If you are in a room with a nasty individual, instead of a confrontation, perhaps you can just type into the chat 'treat others as Max would treat them'. If they ask you what that means, you can then gently tell them just how they have failed the Max test.