The Garbin Moraine Go-Fer
            The Award Winning Cabin Newsletter of NW Wisconsin
Elmer T. Gopherson the 5th,  Editor

Christmas Eve 2004 Edition

Merry Christmas from GM!

There are two special announcements I need to make to introduce this newsletter.  First,  as you may  already know the Gof-Fer now has a new editor.  Yours truly Elmer T. Gopherson V is your new editor.  I come from the long line of Gophersons who immigrated from further south at the end of the last  Ice Age.   My  great great great grand father was the first editor of this newsletter and I plan to uphold his high standards.  Next, my very first edition of the Go-fer was a holiday scab job for the owners of Garbin Moraine Manor. Amazingly, it won a prestigious award for newsletter excellence.  The Lars and Lois Petersteer Foundation has awarded  the Christmas card special edition of the newsletter its Least Boring Christmas Card Newsletter award for 2004. We are honored to accept the award.

Christmas Eve in Pictures

The day started off  with a nice sunrise and went well until the BIG GAME.  Just as the nation is deeply divided between the right side and the wrong side the family is as well with the right half supporting the Green Bay Packers and the wrong half supporting the Minnesota Vikings.  But at the end of the day everybody left as friends full of holiday spirits.


The sun rose in the morning  as it does at times. 

SP requesting more coffee

  JA2 still brooding after being evicted from his Packerbacker bedroom by a Vikings vixen and her freeloading husband.   But he was smiling after the Packers edged by the Vikings.

A nauseated Vikings fan getting ready to run to bathroom after watching the Vikings performance.

 A current Vikings fan smiling because he knows he will be living in Packerland in a few years so he can support a winning team.

The matriarch of the clan discussing the deep divisions in the family with a grand daughter (both are Vikings fans)

Between halves of the game JA1 and TA discuss finer points of putting a personal ad on to find a boy/girlfriend. 

The consultation must have worked.  This is a disguised picture of someone who answered JA1's ad.

JA1 showing the disguised person above he is in competition with  Brandy so should send her the copies of his last tax returns as she requested.

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