Garbin Moraine Go-Fer
The Award
Winning Cabin Newsletter of NW Wisconsin
Elmer T. Gopherson the 5th, Editor
Ski Weekend 2005
Greeting from NW Wisconsin!
Last weekend was the annual ski weekend at the
cabin. The weekend marked the passing of the guard in contrast to the
usual passing of other things. The younger
generation is gearing up to take over the hard work traditionally done
by the older generation who are now starting to become elders.
The young adults actually did the dishes without much prodding for
In this edition we have the usual claptrap of the
newsletter but before you recycle it be sure to find the section on the
planning meeting to be held in March. The women elders are going
on strike if there is not a remodeled kitchen this year. For a
better explanation of this behavior read the Ask Elmer column
below. Winter is passing away soon and spring is in sight so we
hope to see you at the cabin soon.
Ski Weekend Festivities
Ski weekend started with the annual cabin
warming party Friday where the temperature went from 19 degrees to 59
degrees before the party was over. The party was not too wild
since only one person showed up. The next ski weekend event was
the pizza pig out at Tony's Riverside. Other events were cross
country skiing, eating, snowmobile riding, eating, drinking, snow
shoeing and eating. Other events included getting stewed
and fondued and playing cards and playing with the talking silver
disk. Finally everyone went to the Prime Bar for
breakfast and then went their separate ways.
Ask Elmer
Q. What makes the female ruling class at the
cabin so concerned about getting the kitchen done.
- Male cabin trustee
A. We fortunately were able to locate
Professor R2
now at Spout State for an answer to this age old question.
He said "Explaining
this phenomena requires understanding several concepts: menarche
(formerly called menache), menopause and male mental pause. "
"Before post modern
feminist philosophy revised the term,
used to talk about menache (the first 'e' was silent so you pronounced
the word men-ache). The current usage is menarche rather than menache. This condition is observed
in girls as they started to become women. It causes young women
think they need to have men in their lives. Then after they have
in their lives they began to realize how much maintenance men require.
This sometimes leads to women screaming
"MEN!". This behavior was institutionalized as the MEN!
"Later in the women's
lives they go through menopause concurrently with their men going
through male
mentalpause (a precursor of Alzheimer's disease). The physical
discomfort of menopause combined with having a male around whose mental
has paused leads to extreme cases of the MEN! behaviour."
"When you combine meno and mental
pauses with the current lack of workspace to do women's work in the
cabin kitchen you find a serious situation. Hopefully, the board
trustees will be able to rectify this situation in the coming
Q. How do I find my way back to my college on the prairies after ski
weekend? Since I was with my boyfriend I took the extra long route to
get to ski weekend so I could spend more time with him but now need to
get back to class.
- JA from Jamestown
A. You might try driving directions on Yahoo or else see
the driving directions to Garbin Moraine on this web site and read them
Q. When I was in the basement at Garbin Moraine Manor I
found my feet were getting cold. What does management plan to do about
- Frostie from Fertile
A. We asked GM management about this complaint and got the
following reply: "Due to a decrease in our profit margins GM has
instituted a cost cutting program. As part of the program we turned off
the heating tubes in the basement floor. We regret any inconvenience
this may have caused. We also take no responsibility for any
boyfriends or fiancees getting cold feet if they visit GM Manor in the
2005 Cabin Trustees Meeting
The annual cabin board of trustees
meeting will be held in March. Trustee SP will
be calling people to schedule a time. MKA may be assisting
as a consultant to SP as a project for her voyeurism and hostility
major at Spout State and also by not being home during the cabin
meeting so BP and SP have a place to sleep.
Ski Weekend in Pictures

Part of the next
generation with red eyes from staying up too late cleaning
the cabin, doing dishes and hauling firewood.

MKA becomes the new holder of the MEN! plague

An elder
watching for deer

TA's dog claiming to
be a homeless victim of an uncaring society

Saturday happy hour
party goers bellying the bar
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