The Friestad's 

   Of Illinois

    From the Land of Norway in a village called Friestad Bakken, came the immigrants to America known as Friestad.  Prior to the early 1900's, Norweigen immigrants originally adopted their last name from the first name of their Father.  i.e., Richard whose father was named Henry, was given the name Richard Henry's son, or Richard Henryson.  After the 1900 immigrations, Norway devised a rule that Norweigen's would assume the name of their village, as their last name.  Hence, the name "Friestad". 
     Friestad translated means "Land of Fields" (or Farms).  Friestad Bakken is primarily a farming community in Norway, where there are streets lined with the name of Friestad on each mailbox.
     Many thanks to Robert Friestad of the Wisconsin Friestads for this information.
      By   Richard Leroy Friestad
                Son of Henry Grant Friestad II
                  Son of Henry Grant Friestad I of Illinois             


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