Laurel Christine

10 month pictures

8 month pictures

7 month pictures

previous pictures of me

me at 5 months

me at 6 months

Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well.  I was sick on my 9 month birthday so I didn't get my pictures daddy had just gotten home from the hospital from his knee surgery the day before my 9 month birthday mommy was a little busy.
But now everyone is doing well and I'm 10 months old already.
All of the pictures that Mommy put on the site are still here so continue to enjoy them, plus now you can also enjoy pictures that were taken on my 10 month birthday.

Love, Laurel

misc. pictures

Christmas portraits

3 month pictures

If you haven't seen me in a while you wouldn't even recognize me because I can do so many new things!

I still enjoy:

* Putting things in my mouth
* chasing my doggy Patch
* reaching for things
* going to playgroup on Thursdays
* playing with my daddy
* pulling myself up anywhere I want to
*crawling to anywhere I want to be
*climbing up the whole flight of stairs (now I can also go down)
*walking behind my wheeled toys all the way across the room with no help
*eating cheerios all by myself

But now I can....
* pull myself up and walk around the coffee table while holding on
* eat bananas and cookies and peaches with my fingers as well as many other things
* dance and clap and "sing" when I hear music
* do the hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" all by myself when people sing it to me
* turn the pages of my books all by myself
* give kisses
* put my head under water at swim lessons
* say dada, mama, daaa (for dog), piiiii (for pig), oooh (for cheerios), mmmm (for I'm hungry), pooh (winnie the), boo (blues clues dog), coooo (for cold when I touch daddy's cold ice pack), cooo (for cookie which I feed to m dog)
* put both hands up in the air when I'm finished with my meal(sign language for "all done")
* feed my dog his treats when he does his tricks

A few more updates...
I now hate my exersaucer because it is too confining and I have 5 teeth and I use them to bite mommy, daddy, and my friends