I have many interest. I love traveling,music,arts,crafts and yes chatting with my on line friends. I have a love for nature and animals. the four legged kind.. not the two legged ones men...LOL just kidding guys!! I am very much into sports. My favortie is football and baseball. And of course my favorite teams are the Cleveland Browns and Indians... and who ever laughs has me to deal with !! LOL like you are scared uh? Didn't think so! Iam what you call a die hard fan of them both. When not on line or working I spend time shopping and of course have to spend time with my two beautiful granddaughters and now as of June 13th 2001 I have a new grandson also to enjoy,love and oh yes can't forget to spoil! LOL That is the part I love about being a grandma,spoil them and send them home. Oh my I just told all of you am a grandma!! Oh well I truly do enjoy every minute of it. |