
Here are some of the links of my interest:


NASA Human Space Flight Homepage This is straightforward. It's the homepage of the big NASA!!

EDF Chemical Scorecard - "database-backed service allowing users to see chemical pollution on local street maps of their own community - and take action. "(Yahoo! Home > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature )


Cool Site !! Get free stuff from homepage help, free samples, free e-mail, win stuff, etc, etc. This site is absolutely fabulous. If you are bored, this site can amuse you with a bunch of interesting sites! MUST GO HERE!

Funky Pages This site is funky! Test your knowledge, read jokes, play games, see tricks, and more!

University of Life.Com This is the site for you to take quizzes like, what your personality is, how fast you type, how dumb you are, sex tests, etc etc.. it only takes couple of seconds, and it's fun!


Aaron's Page

Charles' Page

Matt's Page

Jennifer's Page

David's Page

Kimi's new page!

I'll add on more as I see more cool sites! -kimmy

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