Brownie Troop 78
Brownie Troop 78 is part of the Girl Scouts of Reelfoot Council.  We do lots of fun things together.  We like to sing songs, do crafts and help people in our community.  Right now we are working on quilt squares for Operation Quiet Comfort.  Operation Quiet Comfort is an organization that helps our injured soldiers by sending quilts and "Go Bags" among other things to support them.  If you would like more information about this group please visit thier link.

This year we will be meeting twice a month for an hour and a half.  I have posted pictures from last years adventures.  We had our investiture and rededication ceremony, we went fishing, worked on the Tennessee Garden our school, donated filled backpacks to Katrina victims, visited the humane society and a vet's office, toured a firestation, went camping at Camp Hazelwood for a weekend, and went to a Zoo Snooze at the Memphis Zoo.  This coming year will definately be just as busy!
Troop 78 after their investiture and rededication ceremony
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My Info:
Name:  Jessica Ferguson