Special Interest Groups
Gourmet meets several
times a year for a gourmet dinner. This group is open to couples.
Denise McGregor 458-1440, Nancy Patton 457-6947
Debbie Niedziela 458-6203, Julie Goodwin 458-2595, Evelyne
Rowe 453-9781
Ladies Lunch Out meets
for dinner the last Wednesday of each month. Restaurants vary.
Suzanne Carlson 453-6170, Debbie Trujillo 458-7833
Moms and Tot Hobbytime
is a unique playgroup of crafters.
Ruth Pinto 458-7884
Christa Florea 453-5445, Pat Warner 458-8102
Talking about Books (
generally meets the fourthThursday of the month around 7:30pm. The hostess
for each meeting picks the book to be read. Location changes.
Erika Heinen 453-0628
TGIF - this evening
social group usually meets the first Friday each month at the home of a
member. Come solo or as a couple but plan on a casual night of fun and
laughter. BYOB and BYOM (munchies).
Brenne Anz 458-0491
The Breakfast Club meets
the first Wednesday of each month for a casual breakfast - bring the kids!
Jan Mulcair 453-9167
Craft Away
- work on the craft of your choice amongst new friends
Kelly Pederson - 453-6133
Quilting -
the second and fourth Friday mornings - come quilt or learn how
Diane Wright 453-6926
Bunco -
fast-paced dice game providing fun, fellowship and laughter
Georgann Davis 453-2425
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