Descendants of Andrew (Anders Svensson) Swanson


Andrew Swanson


Farm House - Burns Township, 

Anoka County Minnesota

Anna Swanson and child


1.  ANDREW (ANDERS)2 SWANSON  (SVEN1 NILSSON)1 was born November 04, 1856 in Malmo, Sweden, and died September 15, 1949 in Anoka County,  Minnesota.  He married ANNA OLSEN2,3 1878 in Stockholm Sweden, daughter of OLE PETERSEN.  She was born November 26, 1853 in Mora, Sweden, and died March 01, 1923 in Anoka County,  Minnesota4.



                  Early Settler to Anoka County.

   Emigrated from Sweden in 1881.  It has been stated that Andrew traveled with his wife Anna's sister at this time.  She stayed in New York and he came to Minnesota. 


          In 1882 he came to Anoka, Mn and worked at Reed & Sherwood Mill.  Moved to the Newport Farm, 700 acres owned by RR builder.  He then moved to the Clayton Farm, and later rented the Trott Brook Farm.  About 1901, he moved his family 9 miles north of Anoka, purchasing 80 acres from Negro Shepard where he sold farm products, potatoes, corn, hay, dairy cows, chickens, etc.


        1914 Farmers' Directory of Burns Township:  Swanson, A., living in county for 30 years on 781/2 acres, wife; Annie, Children; Richard, Gust, Manley, Agnes, Ella.  Came to Anoka County approx. 1881.  (Anoka County Genealogical Society)  The Swanson farm was located west of Hwy 47 and what is today called Old Viking Blvd.


        During a large drought when Lake Fremont in Zimmerman dried up along with most of the County wells, farmers would cut the river bottom for hay, and the Swanson farm was one of the only spring fed wells in Anoka and everyone would come to the farm for water.


        Andrew Swanson had a blacksmith shop on the farm.  He shoed the horses and mules for the Railroad, neighbors and residents of Anoka County during the 20's & 30's.   He continued to tend to their horses during the depression years when they were unable to pay for the work he did.  He also plowed the roads during the winter months using a horse drawn plow.  (The railroad still holds an easement on the property for any future railroad access.)  He would also make the children’s sleds from his shop.


        Documents show that Andrew Swanson was the first president of the Central Telephone Company, 1909.


Andrew received the following letter in 1890 translated from Swedish.


Sandbrackan the 24th of March 1890


Mr. Anders Svensson


I want now briefly to send you and your family a few lines and tell that we all are well and are in a good condition up to the present time.  And also now may we thank you for the letter which we received from you the 14th of ____ from which we heard that you and your family were well and were in good condition.  And I want to tell you that we have had a very mild winter.


And now in the first place I want to ask you if you plan to settle down/take residence in Sweden since you said that you intend to come home toward autumn.  And also I want now to mention for you that resources for visitors/foreigners are very scanty.  And also that one after another are filing for bankruptcy.  One __?__auction after another is read about in the newspapers and also bankruptcy meetings.


Send your answer soon so that we can know what you intend to do.


Now in closing I want to mention that your father is alive and is well up to the present time.


Now I have not anything more to say at this time but a dear greeting from us to you and all of yours.


Signed, full of friendship and very truly yours,


Lars Svensson, Sven Johansson, Hanna Kristina Svenson, Amanda Josefina Svensson, Beata SvensDotter.



Burial: Trott Brook Cemetery, Anoka County Minnesota

Cause of Death: Arteriosclerosis

Christening: November 14, 1856, Reslov, Malmohus, Sweden

  November 03, 1882, Document from District Court-County of Anoka showing Andrew Swanson Declaration

of Intent to become a citizen of US.  Document from Anoka County Genealogical


Notes for ANNA OLSEN:


        Anna (Annie) Olsen emigrated from Sweden in 1883 to join her husband in Minnesota.  She came on a "sailing ship", enduring many storms at sea.  Anna traveled with her two sons, Richard and Gust.

        She had tended dairy cows in Sweden and did factory work in Stockholm.  She used to smoke tobacco in a clay pipe while tending cows to relieve her toothache. 

        She was born on the northwestern shore of Lake Siljan in Sweden.

        Church record from Anoka County Genealogical Society show a Church Membership record for the First Congregational Denomination: United Church of Christ for: Annie Swanson, May 19, 1889 through April 29, 1896.  (I have copy)  Church is located on corner of 3rd St. So. &  Main Street in Anoka.

        Anna suffered a massive heart attack and died in the granary on the farm.  Gust had told the story of how  he watched his mother get up from the table and stumbled a little to the door.  He watched her as she went outside and then went to find her.  He found her in the granary where she died in his arms.




        Mrs. Andrew Swanson of Burns, died suddenly Thursday morning, March 1st, aged 69 years.

        Annie Olson was born in Sweden, November 26th, 1853, and was married to Andrew Swanson in Sweden.  They came to Anoka in 1883 and resided here a few years, and then moved to Ramsey and later to Burns, where they have since made their home.  Mr. Swanson is one of the best known blacksmiths in this vicinity.

        Mrs. Swanson was a member of the Lutheran church.

        Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Swanson and her husband and seven children and eleven grandchildren survive.  Her children are:  John Swanson, Anoka;  Mrs. Bert Hare, Burns;  Mrs. John Diederick, Ladysmith, Wis.; Mrs. Russell Thompson, Faribault;  Richard, Gus and Manly of Burns.

        Funeral services were held from Thurston's parlors Saturday, Rev. Shawl officiating.  Many attended the services and the floral tributes were very beautiful.

        Mrs. Swanson was a woman of Christian living and example, beloved by her acquaintances and idolized by her family.                             

More About ANNA OLSEN:

Burial: Trott Brook Cemetery, Anoka County Minnesota

Cause of Death: Valvular Heart Disease

 Lapland heritage

Tall, dark complexion, dark hair

died at age '69

Immigrated 1883 with sons Richard 6 and Gust 3

Arrived New York

Death information from Documents at Anoka Co. Genealogical Society

Death Certificate-Anoka Co. Court House-Book 1, Pg. 6 Line 151.

Funeral services - Thurston's in Anoka


Children of ANDREW SWANSON and ANNA OLSEN are:

                   i.       RICHARD WILLARD3 SWANSON, b. June 01, 1878, Sweden; d. December 24, 1943, Anoka, Minnesota5.

1900 census lists him as a "day laborer"

Never married.

Agnes often called him her "favorite" brother



Burial: Trott Brook Cemetery, Anoka County Minnesota

Cause of Death: Cerebral Hemorrhage-Hypertension-Arterial Sclerosis

Fact 1: Never married

Fact 2: Immigrated with mother 1884

Fact 3: Worked across Minnesota

Fact 4: December 24, 1943, Book 2, Page 5, Line 130 Anoka Co. Court House 8/97


                  ii.       OSCAR SWANSON, b. 1880, Sweden; d. Bet. 1880 - 1881, Sweden.

2.              iii.       GUSTAV ALFRED  SWANSON, b. March 12, 1882, Stockholm, Sweden; d. January 26, 1962, Anoka, Minnesota.

3.              iv.       JOHN OSCAR SWANSON, b. December 09, 1884, Burns Township, Anoka County,  Minnesota; d. July 06, 1973, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

                  v.       MINNIE SOPHIA SWANSON, b. December 28, 1886, Burns Township, Minnesota6; d. April 1887, Anoka, Minnesota7.



Burial: Trott Brook Cemetery

Fact 1: Died as infant (6 months old)

Fact 2: Buried with her parents and brothers Gust & Manley - Trott Brook Cemetary

Fact 3: June 05, 1889, Isanti County Court House - Book A, pg. 121, Line 32.


                 vi.       MANLEY SWANSON, b. August 12, 1888, Burns Township, Anoka County,  Minnesota8,9; d. May 01, 1960, Cambridge, Minnesota10.


Fact 1: Buried, Trott Brook Cemetery, Anoka

Fact 2: Never married


4.             vii.       LILLIAN DORA SWANSON, b. March 17, 1891, Burns Township, Anoka County, Minnesota; d. December 07, 1976, Ladysmith,  Wisconsin.

5.            viii.       AGNES CAROLINE SWANSON, b. June 30, 1894, Burns Township, Anoka County, Minnesota; d. December 27, 1985, Wenatchee, Washington.

                  ix.       ELLA LOUISE SWANSON, b. July 29, 1896, Burns Township, Anoka County, Minnesota; d. December 18, 1970, Pontiac, Michigan; m. (1) RUSSELL THOMPSON; m. (2) J. GARDNER LEWIS.


Generation No. 2


Gust & Verona Swanson

Gust, Manley & Andrew

Richard Swanson

John Swanson



2.  GUSTAV AUGUST.3 SWANSON (ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON) was born March 12, 1882 in Stockholm, Sweden, and died January 26, 1962 in Anoka, Minnesota.  He married VERONA CHRISTINE GRIDER11 November 15, 1927 in Minnesota12, daughter of CALVIN GRIDER and ANNA PINCE.  She was born May 06, 1905 in Willow River, Minnesota13,13,13, and died August 03, 1981 in Minneapolis, Minnesota13,13,13.



        Gust was 23 years older than his wife Verona.  Family remembers them attending dances on Saturday nights.

        Gust would also travel to Duluth and work as a lumberjack coming back to Anoka to help guide the logs down stream.

Burial: Trott Brook Cemetery, Anoka County Minnesota

Fact 1: Buried at Trott Brook Cemetary, Anoka County, Minnesota



Fact 1: Catholic

Fact 2: Mothers name on birth record: Agnes Pinz

Fact 3: Fathers age at time of birth (21) mother’s age (24)

Fact 4: Birth record: Pine County Court House- Book B, pg. 71, Line 9.

Fact 5: Mothers birthplace listed as - Bohemia on Birth Register.

Fact 6: Certified Copy of Marriage License to Robert E. Wagner from Pine County Court

. Witnesses to marriage; Calvin Grider & Ernest Krell.

Verona Grider previously married to Robert Wagner - Ascot, Minnesota.


3.  JOHN OSCAR3 SWANSON (ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON)14 was born December 09, 1884 in Burns Township, Anoka County,  Minnesota, and died July 06, 1973 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  He married (1) LETICIUS MARINDA MOLTUN.    He married (2) MARIE FRENCH. 


Employee of Northern States Power.  He spent the last 15 years of his life living in California and Milwaukee Wisconsin

Fact 1: 8 or 9 children

Fact 2: December 03, 1888, Birth Register: Isanti County Court House Book A, pg. 121, line 22.

Fact 3: Birth record shows birth name of Jona A. Swanson



10.              i.       RUBY4 SWANSON, b. August 02, 1908, Anoka, MN; d. August 1993, Phoenix, AZ.

11.             ii.       MYRTIS SWANSON, b. July 26, 1910, Anoka, MN.

12.            iii.       WAYNE ARTHUR SWANSON, b. April 10, 1913, Anoka, Mn; d. June 23, 1994, Minneapolis, Mn.

13.            iv.       ANNABELLE SWANSON, b. January 04, 1915, Anoka, Mn; d. April 1984.

14.             v.       MARLYS ANNE SWANSON, b. September 04, 1919, Anoka, Mn; d. September 08, 1991, Phoenix, AZ.

                 vi.       WAYNE ARTHUR SWANSON, b. Unknown; d. 1997; m. (1) VIOLET, 1943; d. August 1997; m. (2) VI, 1943.

15.           vii.       MYRTIS SWANSON, b. July 29, 1910, Anoka, MN.


Agnes, Lillian, Ella Swanson

4.  LILLIAN DORA3 SWANSON (ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON)15 was born March 17, 1891 in Burns Township, Anoka County,  Minnesota, and died December 07, 1976 in Ladysmith,  Wisconsin.  She married JOHN DIETRICH 1910.  He was born 1884, and died 1936 in Ladysmith Wisconsin.



  Family Nickname "Dod


5.  AGNES CAROLINE3 SWANSON (ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON)16 was born June 30, 1894 in Burns Township, Anoka County,  Minnesota17, and died December 27, 1985 in Wenatchee, Washington.  She married BERTIE VOLUNTEER HARE July 08, 1916 in Nowthen, Minnesota. 



Copy of birth record in my possession shows Agnes C. Swanson born June 30, 1894, Parents of Andrew and Annie Swanson, parents birthplace: Sweden, Occupation of father; Farmer.

Copy was obtained from the Anoka County Genealogical Society.

  1903-1904, attended Burns school.

  Worked as housekeeper/cook for Leathers and Norris family, then as a dressmaker.

  1916-1929, lived in Nowthen, Tony, Wisconsin; St. Paul, Tony again, Denver, Nowthen and finally Sultan.  In May 1930, she moved to Wenatchee valley in Washington state-Monitor & Cashmere.  In 1937, they purchased Pleasant Hill "Ranch" in Cashmere with inheritance from James Hare.

  She worked at packing sheds for the fruit industry.

  In 1946, they purchased a home at 1119 Orondo Ave., Wenatachee, WA and then in 1984, had a home on Orondo Ave., which was purchased by the local school district.  She then settled into an apartmentShe worked at packing sheds for the fruit industry.



Fact 1: Moved to Washington

Fact 2: 5 Children

Fact 3: June 30, 1894, copy of birth record from Anoka Co. Genealogical Society.



  When Bert was 8 years old, the local Anoka paper reported:

        Bertie Hare, of Burns, Minn., suffered a peculiar accident last week.  He was barefooted and stood on the step of his brother (Lee's) bicycle to take a short ride.  His toe caught in the chain and was entirely severed from the foot and dropped in the road.  Dr. Scorboria of Elk River dressed the painful wound.

Married in Zion Lutheran Church in Anoka, MN      


10.  RUBY4 SWANSON (JOHN OSCAR3, ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON) was born August 02, 1908 in Anoka, MN, and died August 1993 in Phoenix, AZ.  She married (1) CLAUDE RITHER.  He was born June 26, 1902, and died April 1983.  She married (2) CLINTON JACKSON.  He was born January 26, 1909, and died June 08, 1992.  She married (3) RITHER. 


16.  DONALD4 DIETRICH (LILLIAN DORA3 SWANSON, ANDREW (ANDERS)2, SVEN1 NILSSON) was born December 10, 1912 in Ladysmith, WI. 


Worked for General Motors in Pontiac, Michigan