The Connelley Family History

Welcome to our family site.
We continue to look for our past, so we may better understand where we came from and cherish where we are going.

   Our search for the past has taken us to many interesting places. We traveled the roads of Massachusetts to the country side of Maine. On our trip for knowledge, we met many helpful people that pointed us in the right direction.

   One of the most interesting things I have discovered in this quest, is how much history I never knew about. The hard times that people suffered just trying to survive. I try to imagine myself in the late 1700s and what it would have been like to live in the wilderness of New England.

   I have gathered some material together to share with all, so stop by and see my sites. Some have pictures, some have none, and other surnames we are still searching.

Corrections, Additions, and Comments are recommended and needed

Copyrighted 2000, Caren Costo

Visitor since Jan 1, 2000