It's Christmas at
      Melville Hill


"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"

Christmas is a happy time,
And for a month or more,
We decorate the house and lawn
And holly wreath the door.
We start to bake those Christmas treats,
And send that Yuletide note.
We mail the presents we have bought
For those who live remote.
We sing our favorite Christmas carols,
We light the Christmas tree.
The hearthside holds a greater warmth
For friends and family.
The candles flicker on the sill,
And snowflakes waft the air.
And for the moment, hearts respond
To goodwill everywhere.
Yes, Christmas is a lovely thing.
It's hope and kind intent
Should live within us every day
To make love permanent!

Roxie Lusk Smith

Keep Christmas In Your Heart All Year Long




Christmas 1999


          Hello!   Welcome to our home during this Christmas season.  
     Christmas is one of our favorite times of the year.  It is beginning
     to look a lot like Christmas at Melville Hill!  We have a tree,
     decorated with angels, up all year long.  We started the first of
     November putting up the other trees.  We have one in the guest
     bedroom that is done with dolls from my doll collection.   The tree
     in our den is done with Santas and other ornaments we have
     collected over the years.  There is a little bit of Christmas in every
     room.  I hope you enjoy the pages I have created.  There is the real   
     meaning of Christmas, Santa Claus, O Christmas Tree, Trivia, Deck
     the Halls, and a few of our favorite recipes.  I had fun making a

     heavenly applet and a snow scape.  I hope you enjoy your visit
     and please come back.  I wish you and your family the best holiday
     season ever.  I hope it is filled with good health, happiness, and

Thanks Got Graphics for the tutorial for making this page.


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