Mr. Brent's Pages..... |
Alice National Little League- Index- Alice- WarmFuzzies- Kids- Salvation- Testimony- Jokes- Opinion- Always Remember 09/11/01- Coyote Football- Chat- Teens talk about God- The full version of the Serenity Prayer- Alice Church Group Happenings |
I Have begun a new page! It is centered around activities related to the area churches, more geared to the youth group activities, but any church related events can be e-mailed and I'll post them. It's called, ironically, "Church News". Clever huh? Anyway, look here if you want to see what's going on at the youth groups this year. Also e-mail me with links to area churches. |
The Alice Texas page, Where you can find out anything that you ever wanted to know about Alice, Texas (Like where it is, for starters.....) As I find more links, this page will grow. I have a page started on the Alice Coyote football team, our Alice National Little League with the goings on from there, schedules, information and whatnot, Updated 03/04/04 |
Mr B is changing his ways back to the way he used to be. This means no more Dirty Jokes, or things that denote racism or prejudice. I will explain this reversion to my old ways on my Salvation Page Right now it is dedicated to prayers and prayer requests in the wake of the terrorist attacks. It is for a reason. I have also Billy Graham's message from the National Cathedral on the Day of Remembrance on a page. Along the same lines, I have My Testimony page, where I will give my Testimony on how God changed my life in chapters as I get them written, and I have a place where you can give your own testimony, which will be updated as things come in and time permits Updated 10/07/01 |
I have taken the liberty to post some of the past testimonials and bible studies that the folks at Z-Jam have sent me. These are bible studies written by young people for young people, dealing with the trials and problems of growing p in our world today. There are a lot, and I will try to post them regularly. |
The Warm Fuzzies page will make you feel good all over and sad at the same time. It has stories and quips that will make you forget the things in life that aren't really important, and maybe realise what really is important in your life. |
I have added some things having to do with kid's and the way they percieve things. We all should realize that they learn just as much from what they see and hear as from what we teach them.These anecdotes will go far in proving that. |
I also plan on adding some joke pages, some cute, most funny. Some may be duplicates, but I will try to weed out most. Feel free to e-mail me with some of your favorites. I also have a page devoted to the stupidity in human nature Which I call Brilliance in Humanity |
The Sounding Block is an area where you can express your opinions on current issues, and read the opinions of others, and me. The views expressed are probably simular to mine, but are not intended to offend anyone. If you have something that gripes you, or are privy to something going on that others would be interested in, visit this page, blow off some steam, and read. There are some interesting takes on the World trade center attack. Updated 09/13/01 |
Always Remember 09/11/01/ is a page made up soley of pictures, some graphic, some heart breaking, some heart warming, that tells the story of the attack on the United States in a different way. Get out a good C D and think about the pictures, and ories behind them. |