Night Breeze Stables
Arabian Costumes
We are NOW accepting custom orders on Arabian costumes!  If interested, please E-mail me!
Our Arabian costumes are Live Show Quality, both Expert and Novice, and are live show PROVEN winners! 
Here is our newest creation ~ a green and Gold Arab costume!!  It was sold on auction, and is owned by Kathy Dodson!
Here is one of our newest creations ~ a Brown and Gold costume owned by Diane Bender!  made in 2000.
Here is my gold & black Arab costume!  It is shown on Forever Afire, CM by Diane Bender.
Here is "DS Fashion Statement" CM by Diane Bender wearing his new Arab costume! 
Here is the new style Arab costume!  It was made in 1999 for Diane Bender.  Horse CM by Diane!
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