The "Big E's" Architecture Page
Ever since I was a little guy, I had an interest in architecture. At one time I had actually thought about going to an architectural school … I was split between architecture, accounting, and computers. And although I eventually chose to go the route of computers, that still didn’t quench my desire to develop plans and designs for homes. While I was in college, I drew up some plans for a home … and after leaving college I thought it would be great to make a small model so that I could visualize it better. After getting started on it, I no longer made adjustments to my drawings, but instead worked straight from the model. And here I am, years later, and it seems it will never be finished. I keep on changing things, … taking out some walls here, putting in some new ones there … sometimes not working on it for months at a time, when all of a sudden I will get some ideas, and have at it for a while. But none the less, I love it as a hobby, and I wouldn’t know what I would do if I lost it due to damage, etc. … for I have put so much time and thought into it!
I hope you enjoy the photos. The house is meant to be partially in a hillside, … some underground. I will try to add more photos and information later, but if for any reason you would like to contact me concerning this page, my email is
The above three photos from left to right are: Third floor without the large third floor gathering room in the front, … second floor, … and the first floor. The large fireplace which divides the living room and dining areas on the first floor, is open clear up to the third floor, with the exception of a small sitting area on the third which also has a fireplace provided by this large 3-story structure.
The roof of the atrium would be glass, and the roof just off of the pool area would either be glass or "open", I haven’t decided yet. Obviously, there are a lot of rooms on the third floor and some on the second that aren't finished yet, as well as most of the exterior windows, but I’m sure you can somewhat visualize what it may look like when complete. The room on the third floor above the front portico would be a large gathering room, and the large semi-circle in the rear (just off the atrium) would be half sunroom, half courtyard.
The model comes apart in three sections, and hopefully I can upload some more photos to show you the interior rooms as well in the near future.
There are a lot of architectural details that I have planned for it that obviously won’t show up in a balsa wood model (such as the columns above that would be close to the pool area and in the front), and I hope to have more examples of those architectural details later.
Eric (12/21/1999)
Well, here we are … later (12/23/1999) … and I've got some more photos.
This one below is of a bathhouse in England, and this is the kind of atmosphere I would like to see in the pool area. Torches on the columns, and steps leading down into the water. I also have the idea of putting bronze turtles and/or toads at the base of each column, close to the edge of each base. They would act as small fountains, water coming from their mouths, bringing in fresh, clean water into the pool. The stone railing above the columns in the photo (minus the statues!) is what I envision for the portico in the front, as well as the two other large balconies between the home and the pool.
The photo below with the balcony over an entrance is what I'd like to see along the sidewalls of the pool area. The only thing I would add, would be columns on the two extended corners. You can see in the photos of the pool area that there are three of these on each of the two sidewalls. Along those walls, the first floor would stick out 6"-8" from the second floor, creating a planting area for hanging vines/plants along the entire length (except for the balcony areas of course). The same kind of planting troughs would be in the curved walls of the atrium as well (2 levels). And yes, … I would have two small trees under the roof in the pool area, and three trees in the atrium as well.
This photo of the Raffles Hotel in Singapore is what has provided me with ideas for exterior windows on the various levels.
This is a photo I took of my model on April 18, 2003. The only major change I had made to it, was to work on the roof design off of the pool area. It still is not finished, but it looks much better than it did before, ... for it gives one a better feel for the look I am going for. Note also that I "wiped out" the racquetball court, and replaced it with "suites".