McLean County,


A special thank you to McLean County Chamber of Commerce for permission to use their map.


Here are a few interesting facts from the Universtiy of Illinois Extension Newsletter:

The state 4-H office is located at the University of Illinois in Champaign


4-H shows have been recorded here as early as 1917


has been held in cooperation with the McLean County fair since 1932


the McLean County 4-H show is the largest 4-H Fair in the nation


the extension staff answered an estimated 12,500 phone requests in 1999


McLean County 4-H enrollment in 1998-1999 was 3,751, with 492 4-Hers from farms


McLean Co 4-H Federation represents 56 community clubs and 1,200 youth through 112 youth delegates


Nearly 1,200 4-Hers were participants from 52 community clubs and 2,582 4-Hers were a part of the school enrichment programs reaching over 90 classrooms


1,100 4-Hers demonstrated project skills from 221 major project areas and exhibited over 11,000 projects at the Fair. Premiums distributed to recognize their achievements totaled over $21,000 from junior show entries, over $24,000 from 4-H show department entries, and nearly $25,000 in Showcase prizes.


Some facts from the McLean County chamber of commerce website


Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapolis are within a three hour drive


approximately 44 million people live within 300 miles of this area


11,000 people have moved to McLean County over the past eight years


McLean County links


General statistics on McLean County


McLean County geographic information


McLean County chamber of commerce


Information on Bloomington/Normal


Bloomington/Normal Visitor's Bureau

Bloomington/Normal Search Engine


Information on Bloomington


Information on Normal