Crown College Graduate Program (St. Bonifacius, Minnesota)            
Music In World Cultures, Inc. (Dr. John Benham) 

Summer Institute of Linguistics (Wycliffe) 

Great source for Ethnomusicology, Folk Music and World Music
(University of Washington)

A Guide to Ethnomusicology for the Layperson

A Layman's Introduction to Field Techniques  (Folkline and Fieldwork Guide)


Missions Frontiers May-June, 1996. This is the Worship and Missions edition.  Excellent articles

The Worship and Arts Network of Ad2000 has a very informative e-mail newsletter (monthly) which is very informative: Global Worship Report

For the Training of Ministers and Missionarie
Central Bible Colleg
e (Springfield, Missouri)


- Christian Copyright Licensing International.  Every church (and Christian organization using music in worship) needs to belong.  Also great links to many music sites.

Creator Magazin
e.  Excellent choral and worship articles.

Music Publishers Association
.  Comprehensive list of music publishers.

The Church Music Repor
t.  A leading Christian music "trade" report.

J & J Musi
c.  Music sales, The Communicator.

Worship Togethe
r.  Contemporary worship leaders interviews, download new choruses.

Integrity Musi
c.  For Hosanna! Integrity music, worship software, articles, links.

Worship Leader Magazin
e.  A must for worship leaders.

Release Magazine
.  Articles on Christian music, artist and trends.  Contemporary styles.

Choristers Guil
d.  Children's music.

A/G National Music Departmen
t.  Become a part of "The Network."  A great resource if you are searching for a music position in a church.  Home of "Radiant Music", a division of Lorenz Corporation.

AUDIO system
s (manufacturers) - mixing consoles, microphones, etc.


Brigada Toda
y. Missions networking.

s.  Courses in preparation for cross-cultural ministry.

Mission Frontier
s.  Excellent missions resources from the U.S. Center for World Mission.


The following websites contain much, if not all, of the information you
need about copyrights, "how to copyright" a song, the "what, where, when, etc."

U.S. Copyright Office

Christian Copyright Licensing Internationa

The following articles are helpful as well:

Do Volunteers Own the Copyright When They Contribute Creative Works

Right Those Copyright Wrong

Copyrights and Your Ministry...from the National Music Department of the Assemblies of God, as to how U.S. copyright laws impact your music ministry. Includes questions about copyrights, copyright terms, legal guidelines for those who want to produce a CD or tape of their choir, etc.

   CREATIVE ARTS resources:

Christianity and the Arts
website and links.

Drama resource
s for the church.

s for skill development and music ministries.

Christians In Theatre Art
s organization

Christians In Visual Art
s organization

Christians Performing Artists Fellowshi
p organization

Network Of Bible Storyteller
s organization


The Cyber Hymnal
Great source for hymn texts, hymn stories, MIDI files, composer stories.

The Lutheran Hymna
l Online.

The Anglican Hymnal

The Reformed Hymna
l Online.

The Seventh Day Adventist
Hymnal.  Includes a variety of MIDI arrangements.

United Methodis
t Hymn site.

Scottish Metrical Hymna
l.  Psalms of David in Meter.

Southern Harmon
y and Musical Companion.  A hymnal from the 1800's with songs you can download, as well as MIDI files.

International hymn
s with MIDI files in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and other languages.

Scripture passage
s  related to songs in Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) and other Christian recordings.  Look for scripture reference by book of the Bible.  Songs are listed by artist and album.  Very fine resource.

Hymn historie
s and hymn stories researched and written by  a missionary family.

American Holiness Hymnody Some Questions:  A Methodolog
y.  Mel R. Welhoit has written a fine article with good notes. 


Terry Baldridge
(musicologist and professor at MidAmerica  Nazarene University; good pictures of Philippino instruments; articles).

Darren Daugherty
(Great site for Children's Ministry and Family Ministry ideas)

Jim Pfahnin
g  (Very creative Children's pastor)


African proverbs, sayings and stories
.  Proverbs are a very powerful communications tools.

Phil Cooke Pictures.
Excellent source for tv/film production; host of articles and abundance of links.
t.  A great site for anything you want to know about playing the guitar.

Want to play guitar? will teach you how to play.

The J.S. Bac
h Home Page. 

Veggie Tale
s on the Web!  Now, who said this site isn't eclectic!  Besides, these guys (the creators...not Bob and Larry and the gang!) are alumni of Crown College.

Blue Mountain Electroni
c Greeting Cards.  Send free electronic greeting cards.

. Commentary on contemporary issues.

y Biographies.

Leadership Network
.  You can subscribe to NEXT, a free quarterly publication, dealing with church trends, including music, worship and the arts.


Official Guide for Writing Praise and Worship Choruses
. ("tongue in cheek!")
