Welcome to MUSIC 2 WORLD
Music is the language of the soul - unknown

You have just discovered the home page of Roger Thomassen.  I teach at Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri in the Music Division.  See what is happening in Springfield. This page will eventually contain resources for my classes at the college, as well as research tools for music in cross-cultural settings, including links to ethnomusicology sites.  Since I am involved in training church musicians, there will also be worship links.  Thanks for visiting!  Keep a song in your heart every day!

Thesis/project:  The Use of Indigenous Music in Worship, Discipleship and Evangelism by Assemblies of God Missionaries. 

You can view the survey.  Currently it is not active, but it can be a source for anyone interested in doing such a survey of your fellowship or denomination. Visit the survey
Missionaries and Musicians!        Visit this Excellent new site:

                                     Missions Resource Center

                             International Worship & Arts Network
                                        Goals of the site include:

     "To provide Information about Worship in global missions.
     "To provide access to information regarding use of music and arts in evangelical missionary work.
      "To connect missionaries and senders with resources, information and personnel talented in music and the arts."

Fundamentals of Music and Worship
                                  (MU 133)  [Fall and Spring Semesters]

Go to class helps (for notes, as well as links to other sites)
Form and Analysis
                       (Mu 342)  [Spring Semester]
Need information about copyrights?
How do you copyright a song?  Are "words" copyrighted?  Visit LINKS.
So, you found this site....but still don't know much about searching the Internet?  Take your mouse and click on this word: resources. You will be taken to an article you can read AND with which you can interact by clicking on the links!  You will learn as you click your way through the article!  HAVE FUN!
Audio, video and broadcasting helps; links to Audio Companies
Here are good study helps!
Visit LINKS for ethnomusicology, music and missions sites.

  At  worship articles, and worship sites  you will discover links to helpful resources.    

   Eventually more articles from my classes and other sources will be added..