Amanda - 06/08/00 06:50:45
My Email:IiIgoodygirl
Where are you from?: Indiana
I am so sorry for your loss. I am not a mother yet but I could never imagine going through what you have.I thank you for sharing his story with us all.My deepest sympathy.
missy mcfarland - 06/01/00 16:52:17
My URL:http://angelbay@interlinklc.net
My Email:angelbay@interlinklc.net
Where are you from?: keokuk,,Iowa
you stroy is the most wonderful story i have read.i am a mother how know how you feel. I lost three childer in decmber of 1999 in a house fire .life has been really hard now .I just want you to know i will be here for you .you can call you can wrihgt me .
just think you need to know there are people out here how love you and care for you and jason. in gods name i pray for you .
S Du Vall Knorr - 05/26/00 17:20:12
Where are you from?: California
There are so many what-if's in life. What if the insurance company had not denied coverage, what if the hospital in Denver had simply said, "Come on anyway, and the insurance will get straightened out." Sometimes, the only thing left is to place the bur
ens in God's hands, and hope and pray the people behind the pencils realize there are more important things in life besides money.
This is a beautiful touching memorial to a very beloved son. Thank you for helping me to be a part of it.
Mike Rogers - 05/17/00 06:03:48
My Email:Mike060349@aol.com
Where are you from?: Ashland Oregon
I am sorry for your lose and amazed at your strength and intuitive capacities. I would like to think I have the strength to be able to withstand such an impact on my life, but I am very thankful that I have never had to. Love and Prayers. Michael
JEANNIE PATTON - 05/17/00 02:56:19
Where are you from?: RENO, NV
Sue, What a beautiful testiment to your son. In reading his story, he was indeed an angel sent from God, and how blessed you were that you could keep him for 5 years. I commend you on this sight and the fact that it can and will help other people in way
you might never know, but Jason will.
May God and Jason watch over you on your new journey to Ohio. It was indeed a special meeting for me at Baldini's today.
Keep the faith, for you have been through so much, my heart feels for you.
Sharon - 05/13/00 05:56:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1988
My Email:ssauer@magiclink.com
Where are you from?: Idaho
Jason, I know is so proud of his Mom for this beautiful Tribute. The loss of a child is the greatest loss of all.
Jo Walker - 05/11/00 02:53:24
My Email:bijou@pacificcoast.net
Where are you from?: Victoria, British Columbia
Dear Sue,
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your brave and loving son. You have done such a touching memorial for him and I thankyou for the priviledge of being able to honor him in through your words. A good friend of mine once said, "Don't worry - your c
ild will never forget you and will always love you . . ." God Bless through the tears - Jo (HUG)
alicia - 04/24/00 02:17:10
My Email:msguss33@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: nebraska
Pam - 04/10/00 11:24:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ut/michaelk
My Email:michael_r_angel@excite.com
Where are you from?: Utah
((((((Sue)))))) I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son Jason. You have created a very nice memorial site for him.
Pattie - 04/08/00 23:43:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/fields/7083
My Email:cherubofmine@cs.com
Where are you from?: Massachusetts
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Angel Jason who was taken from this life too soon.
Trish - 04/08/00 04:22:19
My Email:trish_al@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
I'm from the grieving parents group a recent joiner myself and I'd just like to say that this was a very beatiful site and your story was heart breaking, It is sad how so many of us mothers have to suffer this way losing our children,We should outlive the
, It should never be the other way around. I deaply sympathies, life just isn't fair. Thank you for inviting us to view your site.
Russell's Mom
Mama3chick - 04/06/00 16:12:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/5125
My Email:Mama3chick@aol.com
Where are you from?: Maryland
You have touched my heart. I am so sorry for the loss of your son and the tragedy that they couldn't diagnose him earlier. God Bless you and your family.
Jenny Ramos - 04/04/00 15:03:20
My Email:jjlove15@yahoo.com/
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
I really think that more people could understand your pain. Also your pride in your son by being a donor has gave someone else a chance to live the world that your son didn't. I am a teenager and I would be very proud if I had a son or daughter who save
someone's life. Just take and keep spreading the word.
Molly Boren - 04/04/00 14:05:48
My Email:mollyb@wt.net
Where are you from?: Texas
I lost my son Cliff 4-1-99. I am searching for any help in going on without him. Your page is beautiful. I have been there watching my child in coma, a machine breathing for him. Thank you for your page
Stephanie Guilliam - 03/22/00 18:00:34
My Email:stef@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Apache Junction, AZ
For some reason I was drawn to your page...now I know why...I just sat through the night a few nights ago screaming at God "Why ME?" as I gave my 2 1/2 year old another treatment....We have been through 2 1/2 years of hospitalizations and nights where the
give us little hoope, many hours of treatments and endless hours of prayer...It is getting a little better, but still I wonder Why me, adn Now I know God led me her to let me know that I am glad that I am not you...I am deeply sorry for you and the loss
f your son, but by sharing this story it has given me so much hope....I am eternally grateful. never again shall I ask "why me"... Thank you.
Linda Cookingham - 03/22/00 05:40:16
My Email:LCooking@mail.com
Where are you from?: Steger, IL
My sincere sympathy to you. How odd that it is almost as difficult to "type" right now as it would be to speak.
Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 03/21/00 06:45:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rareearthwoman//
My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Mt.Morris MI
Your story is heart rending. I am so sorry for the loss of Jason. Your site has done his memory proud.
A.T.O. - 03/14/00 03:12:55
My Email:knuckle-dragger@drivernet.com
Where are you from?: staunton, indiana
Got to look at the web site. needs more pictures of jason.
Aaron T. Overton - 03/12/00 23:08:55
Where are you from?: staunton, in
long time, no see
Gina Gallo - 03/09/00 19:22:54
My Email:swornsecrets@hotmail.com
Sue, After reading this (and -even longer- waiting until my tears had slowed enough that I could see again) I realize that Jason was not just God's gift to you, but a gift and an inspiration to all of those who read his story.
Thanks for sharing the incredible story of this blessed child.
Marissa Campbell - 02/24/00 17:10:09
My Email:MarissaLCamp@aol.com
Where are you from?: Nashville, Tennessee
I am very sorry about the loss of your son. In many ways, I share your pain. My son, too, has asthma. He spent last Thanksgiving in the children's ER at Vanderbilt and not too long ago he was tranferred from ER to Intesive Care for continuous treatment
Before transporting him, he was tested for RSv. Many of the children in ER seemed to have it, but I had never heard of it. I realized that it must be serious because they would not transfer him to Intensive Care until thely were sure he didn't haven i
. Thank God, he didn't; but that experience and every experience with a "mere cold" frightens me to the point of being what some people would consider over-reactive. As mothers, we are more in tuned to our children (expecially ill ones) than others. I k
ew before he arrived at ER that he had symptoms of pneumonia; but RSV, I had never even considered. Thank you for sharing your story. May God Bless You!
- 02/02/00 15:18:19
Where are you from?: sacramento, ca
i'm really sorry to hear of your loss. this story is very touching
Genevieve Donnelly - 01/31/00 09:13:40
My Email:joedonnelly@kcmsmail.com
Where are you from?: Kent, Washington; near Seattle
I am very sorry to hear this sad story, but I pray that you are given strength throughout each day and the sight of hope. My husband and I lost our daughter before she was born, at 5 1/2 months along. I delivered her body 2 years ago, this February 12th
(2 days before valentines day). Thank You for your story. It comforts me to know there are others out there who are greiving also. Remember, God is with us.
Feel free to Email me @ joedonnelly@kcmsmail.com
Thank You, Genevieve.
Jim Johnson - 01/29/00 05:20:29
My Email:themrj2@aol.com
Where are you from?: Chatt. TN
I cry for you and your son. I just received a Pancreas in 7/99 from a 14 yr old. would love to thank the family but am afraid to make contact, don't want to upset them so soon after their loss. So I will THANK YOU & YOUR JASON!!!!! THANK YOU JASON and the
other BRAVE ONES like you!!!!!!
James K. Fujimoto - 01/16/00 12:51:50
My Email:fujim@usa.com
Where are you from?: Hawaii
Thank for sharing your/Jasons story with the world.....God and he will always be with you Mom...until you both meet again later
Dawn - 01/14/00 18:23:26
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcitiy.com/SupportSt/dawngp22/Cody.html
My Email:Misc080798@aol.com
Where are you from?: Tx
I am so sorry for your loss. Jason knows you love him and he is watching out for you. Your sight is beautiful.
Rosemarie - 01/11/00 08:21:57
My Email:HeartRo1@aol.com
Where are you from?: The Windy City
Happy New Year Susan,
As usual, I loved how you put Jason's tribute together, especially the hearts floating around. It still touches my heart to read his story, and I am sure it will inspires others to be a donor. I think you are the real hero for being as strong as you have
been through this entire tragedy. Know, I'm always here for you. Love, Ro
shauna - 01/09/00 22:25:31
My URL:http://go.to/gardeningtips
My Email:gardenerette@home.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Just stopped in to wish you all the best in 2000
Have a wonderful day and Thanks for sharing your website :)
Karen Nobles - 01/08/00 04:44:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/scottyn23
My Email:momEnobles@aol.com
Where are you from?: California
From the mom of a 17 year old son who was given a second chance at life from a family as wonderful as yours, Thank you for choosing organ donation. You are truly an angel from heaven. My son Scott had a heart transplant 1-15-99. See his story in the pag
above. Again, THANK YOU
Wendy - 01/07/00 00:17:01
My Email:WJK21877@AOL.com
Where are you from?: Vermont
I'm so sorry for what happened. Reading that made it feel like it was happening to me. I could'nt believe going through that.
Tim McCarthey - 01/05/00 18:31:19
My URL:http://www.onelegtim.com
My Email:onelegtim@aol.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
I'm sorry for your lose. I'll be praying for you and your family.
Connie Loving - 12/14/99 05:08:50
My Email:loving@maplecity.com
Where are you from?: Kirkwood, Illinois
As the mother of a son who received a kidney once and is waiting on another I applaud the courage it must take to donate.
Linda - 12/13/99 15:32:34
My URL:/jlkangel
My Email:redakota@chicago.avenew.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
Please find comfort that my Jenni is a wonderful caregiver to children in heaven.God bless us through another holiday without our angels.
Linda - 12/13/99 15:32:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jlkangel
My Email:redakota@chicago.avenew.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
Please find comfort that my Jenni is a wonderful caregiver to children in heaven.God bless us through another holiday without our angels.
Sally Kelley - 12/12/99 00:46:16
My Email:skelley62@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Salina, KS
I am very sorry for your loss, my son David died from an asthma attack.
Melinda Marvin - 12/02/99 21:00:59
My Email:Sweetnstuff82@aol.com
Where are you from?: Pine Hill, NJ
Thank you very much for sharing your heart-warming story. May you and your family find peace in knowing that others live because of your son.
Aja - 12/01/99 21:09:02
My URL:http://liam.web.com
My Email:liamsmommy@hotmail.com
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son, Jason. I know he is proud of you and looking down on you from heaven. Take care and God Bless You.

Maxine - 12/01/99 15:42:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/motherswithangels/
My Email:motherswithangels@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: USA
I am a member of My Mom Is A Survivor and I just voted for you, SUE, to become their Mothers of the Year... Good luck !
Michael Rivera - 11/30/99 06:27:10
My Email:Riv7828
Where are you from?: Indiana
Diane - 11/30/99 05:54:00
My Email:dm2472@con2.com
Where are you from?: NY
Your son's story really touched me. He is truly one of Gods angels. I have a son named Jason too
and everyday I give him a hug and tell him I love him. I'll never forget your little Jason-he'll live in my heart forever.
Ruth - 11/28/99 05:21:41
My Email:
Where are you from?: Watson, LA
Your website for Jason is beautiful. I too know the pain of losing a child. My 19 year old daughter, Christin, was hit by a truck while trying to save the life of our dog who had been hit by a car. He also died. The pain never goes away. I just keep pr
ying..... God bless you.
Lulie Cosby - 11/28/99 05:14:13
My Email:
Where are you from?: Watson, LA
Your website for Jason is beautiful. I too know the pain of losing a child. My 19 year old daughter, Christin, was hit by a truck while trying to save the life of our dog who had been hit by a car. He also died. The pain never goes away. I just keep pr
ying..... God bless you.
Renee - 11/27/99 23:43:24
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:emma@compu-ad.net
Where are you from?: Hesperia, California
Gina - 11/24/99 03:21:49
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/inspiration1/home.html
My Email:ginababy37@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Tn.
Very touching site. Jason will always live inside of you. I too suffered the loss of my 13 yr.old daughter. May God grant you peace in days to come.
Gina - 11/24/99 03:19:41
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/inspiration1/home.html
My Email:ginababy37@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Tn.
hillary - 11/23/99 16:45:16
My Email:l.i.lady@ivillage.com
Where are you from?: new york
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son. He was a very special child and you are a very special parent. I hope this guardian angel of yours is able to bring you peace.
kat - 11/19/99 20:51:07
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/ksf
My Email:4ksf@airmail.net
Where are you from?: Lewisville/Dallas, TX
You are a special person and I am so happy we met.
Our angels brought us together and some day we will be reunited with them. When that day comes, I'll be looking for you as well, I promise!
kat - 11/15/99 16:53:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6362/
My Email:4ksf@airmail.net
Where are you from?: Lewisville/Dallas, TX
Girl, your Thanksgiving Page is ABSOLUTELY terrific! It made me cry but that's what friends are for, right?! Luv ya, girlfriend...
Debbie Stanley - 11/13/99 16:03:28
My Email:boondoc@usit.net
Where are you from?: Virginia
Your tribute to your son is beautiful. May GOD bless you and be with you.
Lisa Klingseisen - 11/09/99 19:00:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lisaann2u/Tyler2.html
My Email:lisaann2u@aol.com
Where are you from?: Lancaster, PA
What a beautiful tribute to your son. I too lost my son. He was my only son. He was just six years old. I bet they are in heaven right now playing together. God Bless You!
Crystal - 11/02/99 21:44:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/crystalden
My Email:Coastgrl1@excite.com
Where are you from?: Fort Bragg, CA & RAOK
What a beautiful tribute. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a privelage to have him here for the time you did though. God bless you and your family.

Sharon - 11/01/99 10:38:11
My Email:macooa@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Maryland
Hi, I just read your wonderful page about your son. I, too, lost a son, after open heart surgery. You are so very good with words,.. and I can feel the pain in your heart. I am crying as I write this because you really touched my heart,..May God Bless you
and thank you for sharing your heart and soul ! You did a fantastic thing ! Love and understanding, Sharon ^j^
Jody - 10/31/99 20:32:51
My URL:http://www.members.aol.com/JDZPAGE.INDEX.HTML
My Email:jdzmom@aol.com
Where are you from?: Methuen, MA
I just visited your beautiful tribute to Jason. I too lost a son, my only one...JD, 13,two years ago. Your love for Jason will keep him close to you.
Jody, JD's mom
- 10/25/99 16:09:12
Tessa - 10/23/99 22:24:01
My Email:tflanner@telusplanet.net
Where are you from?: Brooks, Alberta. Canada
I am so sorry to hear about your son. I have just lost my daughter Michelle, to the same disease, Asthma. She died very suddenly on September 2, 1999 at the age of 13. From the start of her attack till she died in our truck beside her father en-route t
the hosptial, was 10 mins at the most. She was not sick (we had dealt with the similar situations I'm sure you have done too, Neb machine, steroids, and fearing another cold, hospital stays twice a year, ect...). I would like to talk to you about our c
ildren. I have never dealt with grief in any aspect and I also have two other children (2months and 2.5 yrs). Please email me, I look forward to your email. Tessa
Laurie Delk - 10/19/99 14:54:49
My URL:http://lauriedelk.tripod.com/Scripture.html
My Email:delk@columbia.total-web.net
Where are you from?: Columbia, TN
Loved the page for Jason-it is SO sweet. I am sure he is looking down here *proudly* to his mommy. :o)
Gramma Nancy - 10/18/99 07:33:32
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~ncoleman1/
My Email:ncoleman1@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Arizona & RAOK
What a wonderful job you have done on your website. I'm so sorry about Jason...but his gift was priceless.
Gramma Nancy

SueK - 10/18/99 04:08:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/GayleMarks
My Email:suekizer@lodinet.com
Where are you from?: Lodi, California
I am totally speechless. I am so full of emotion for you and your family. And to know that he is right by your side, in your heart and mind forever will not ease the pain of your loss. Jason Matthew is an angel and so are you. My thoughts are with you
nd all parents who suffer the loss of a child. It is so very hard to find the right words, but know they are here, I just don't know what they are yet. You have my love.
Diane - 10/18/99 03:38:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2078
My Email:dtimmons@iswt.com
Where are you from?: Tennessee and RAOK
What a truly beautiful memorial. Your story touched my heart. God bless you.
Donna Leslie - 10/16/99 02:30:08
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/tiffany52
My Email:edleslie@vianet.on.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
You have a beautiful site. You show so much love for your son. You son must be so proud of his mom. God Bless you.
John - 10/15/99 19:56:00
My Email:cpsgt654
Where are you from?: Chicago/kentucky
Sue,It's a beautiful tribute to Jason.
Stuart Moffat - 10/14/99 00:27:08
My Email:jcorrigan@mpx.com.au
Where are you from?: Sydney, Australia
What can I say? A truely tragic story.
I can only hope that Jason has found peace now.
Mellocup9 - 10/13/99 04:06:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/mellocup9/grid1.html
My Email:jrayner@teleclipse.net
Where are you from?: Mississippi
A big warm welcome to Random Acts of Kindness, so glad to have you with us. Hope to see you on the message board.
MondayRose - 10/13/99 02:51:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/aserio/mondayrose.html
My Email:amserio@aol.com
Where are you from?: RAOK
Hello and Welcome to RAOK.
IT's a pleasure to have you.

Shell - 10/13/99 00:14:04
My URL:http://redrival.com/collective/
My Email:shell@most-wanted.com
Where are you from?: RAOK :)
Welcome to RAOK! It's a pleasure to have you with us! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)
Welcome to Random Acts Of Kindness!
1000 Strong and Growing!

Gramma Meme - 10/12/99 23:52:59
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/PicnicPl/denislm/index.htm
My Email:lden267@msn.com
Where are you from?: RAOK and Florida
I would like to give you a warm Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. I'm sure you will love this wonderful family of friends. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
shauna - 10/12/99 19:19:38
My URL:http://go.to/gardeningtips
Where are you from?: Canada
Hi there... Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. Glad to have you onboard :)

Alazzia - 10/12/99 16:28:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/2961
My Email:alazzia@usa.net
Where are you from?: RAOK
Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. *hugs*

Janie - 10/12/99 15:50:41
My URL:http://members.aol.com/XJanieLx/index.html
My Email:janie@RAOK.zzn.com
Where are you from?: Va and RAOK
Hi, a very warm welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. We're so glad to have you join us. I know you're going to love this wonderful family.

Dinogirl (DeAnna) - 10/12/99 14:05:56
My URL:http://geo.to/TheJohnsons
My Email:dinogal@home.com
Where are you from?: RAOK & Charleston, SC
Jason was a beautiful child. Now he is your beautiful angel. God bless you!!
Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness!!!
So nice to see you on board! I hope you enjoy your membership
in this wonderful group as much as I do! Have a beautiful d
Stop by the messag board to introduce yourself or just say hello!!
Jean - 10/12/99 12:57:42
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~jmw5171
My Email:jmw5171@uswestmail.net
Where are you from?: Colo
Welcome to RAOK! It's a pleasure welcoming you into this group. If you have a chance, stop by the message board to get to know everyone. If you need anyhting, I'm always here! :-)

Beehonee - 10/12/99 04:31:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/1689
My Email:beehonee@msn.com
Where are you from?: WA and RAOK
Welcome to RAOK!!!
So glad you joined us, I know you will love it!!

Kind Soul - 10/11/99 23:34:00
My URL:http://listen.to/petra
My Email:kindacts@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: RAOK
I wanted to stop by to welcome you to RAOK and to visit your beautiful webhome. If you have any
questions about RAOK please feel free to email me. Have a wonderful day and a beautiful
tomorrow! :)
RAOK Welcoming Committee Leader
"You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force." ~ Publilius Syrus ~
Denny - 10/08/99 15:49:47
My Email:dgrams@t-one.net
Where are you from?: Ludington Mi.
Theres not much a person can add to what has been said or thought Sue. Jason was a beautiful addition to your life...
Skip Redpath - 10/08/99 13:48:26
My Email:trngptst@primenet.com
Where are you from?: Massachusetts origionally, Worldwide with USMC, Illinoin (PD), presently Arizona(PD Retired)
I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, but I could never understand why certain things happen to the very young. One cannot say "I feel your pain" unless one has been there.. You are a very strong "Mom", and I know that you gave Jaso
the best that life had to offer him. Keep up the good work with the memories you have.
RuthB - 10/08/99 09:25:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/ruthb1
My Email:ruthb1@angelfire.com
Where are you from?: Canada-living in FLA
Your love for your son really comes through here.I am alittle confused about something though,a friend told me I couldn't be an organ donor as I have taken too many steriods and chemo drugs in my life?Yet your son was able to donate?I really respect that
ou donated his organs,I am a strong believer in organ donation,and would do the same.

Kathy Overton - 10/05/99 01:17:42
My Email:okathy1@aol.com
Where are you from?: Sarasota, FL
Beckie - 10/04/99 12:03:45
My URL:http://www.infoblvd.net/centaur
My Email:centaur@infoblvd.net
Where are you from?: NY
Dear Sue, What a beautiful tribute to your son. You did an equisite job. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Love you!
- 10/04/99 04:16:41
test test
Cat - 09/30/99 19:02:45
Hi Sue.. it's Cat from 10-7. I just finished reading your son's story. I am saddened by what happened, but remember he is happy and helthy in Hevan now and you will be able to see him there.
cherish - 09/29/99 23:39:48
My Email:vfor@pacbell.net
Where are you from?: california
Hi Pepe Le Pew's/veronica's daughter I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well.
Veronica/PepeLePew - 09/29/99 21:48:23
My Email:vfor@pacbell.net
Where are you from?: California
Hi Sue, I read your son's story, and I'm really sorry. Just remember, he is with God though, and God will take care of him. One day, you will be reunited under God.
Veronica (Pepe Le Pew) from 10-7/absea
Sonya - 09/28/99 14:27:29
My URL:http://www.moms-dads.com/
My Email:marvel@marvelcreations.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Hi Sue. You have a new guestbook for Jason. I thought I'd test it to make sure it is working correctly.
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Jason has

since August 30, 1999