Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
After deleting all of the old baby pictures, I got this web site working again.  Tomas is in SK French Immersion at Leslie Frost Public School.  On alternate days, he continues to attend the Lindsay Montessori Preschool in the mornings. He is having a great year at school and loves learning French.  He's taking piano with Music For Young Children and attends Beavers.  Julia will be three in January!  She attends preschool with Tomas on alternate mornings.  She goes to gymnastics and music, but is anxious to try dance. Strangely enough, she's a real girly girl and is chatty and dramatic.  Mark is now principal at Fenelon Falls S.S.  It's a big challenge, but he's enjoying it.  Mary is teaching part time at Lindsay C.V.I., coaching volleyball and shuttling the kids around.  Like all families these days, we always seem to be busy! 
We hope to hear your news soon. 
Julia & Tomas - Christmas 2006 greetings!
XO  Mark & Mary 
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