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About Runs With Ponies

As her friends, we've prevailed upon Runs With Ponies to let us tell you about her writings and research experience. We feel it will help you understand how much she cares about our Elders, and how qualified she is to assist you in your quest. After interviewing her, we've discovered she tends to hide her accomplishments. We think you'll agree Runs With Ponies is doing a lot to further the search for our elders.

Runs With Ponies name is Karen Price-Pfister and she was born in Oakland, California. Her ancestors are of the Creek and Choctaw Nations, from Tennessee, Arkansas and Oklahoma the land of the Red Earth. She has been doing American Indian Genealogy for over 30 years, and helping others for about fifteen. She belongs to the National Genealogical Society; the Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and California Genealogy Societies. She is also active in the intertribal group near her home in California.

Runs With Ponie's Father always said, "To Search for your Ancestors is to walk with Pride." Karen believes this even after years of looking, teaching, and spending time just reading about our ancestors.

Currently Karen is working on her first publication, which should be out this coming year. Its a book is on Whitemen in Indian Territories. Karen says "To search the lands of our people you should be aware of them also."

It is interesting to note that Karen has one publication in the Nebraska Library on the Melungeons and how to go about researching them. Permission was given by the Elders to place this article in the library in 1993.

Many of us from the Genealogy Forum (AOL Keyword: roots) have known Karen as a member of the Leadership Team, and a strong supporter of the online genealogy chats. A number of her Native American Research lectures are located in the Genealogy Forum file library. (AOL Keyword: roots, then go to Files.) We're prevailing upon her to adapt these chats in her upcoming lessons.

Karen's Grandfather called her "One who RUNS WITH THE PONIES." This is where her name comes from -- Runwponies, only in Creek we say Ponies Run.

You may email her at Runwponies@aol.com

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