In creating this web site, I've tried to provide information which will be helpful to you in the search of your Native American ancestors. Plans include:
- a new lesson each month on different tribal nations
- interviews given by noted authors
- new book announcements as they come along
Before you start doing your Native American research, I suggest you buy the following book:
- American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archive Microfilm Publications, comp. by Cynthia G. Fox (1984, rev. 1995), 91 pp. $3.50 . Phone & Ordering Details: http://www.nara.gov/publications/order.html
This book is simply a must. It has been a Godsend to those of us who've discovered it. You can also find it on the web, and may simply print out the pages. This can save the cost of mailing. You'll find the listing at:
http://www.nara.gov/publications/microfilm/amerindians/indians.htmlMy goal is to give you a complete guide in Native American Genealogy. At least, as complete as I can. So enjoy -- and may you succeed in your search for your ancestors!
Your sister,
Theleco Luckto! (my Creek name, translated means "Ponies Run.")
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