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Welcome to Hugs & Heartstrings
"my place on the web!"
"Together we are strong and united by heartstrings."

This is a family and gardening site.
Welcome! I love looking at web pages!-seeing other peoples thoughts and feelings,
sharing things they love..things they believe in..sometimes heartaches, but opening
the door and saying, "This is who I am."!
With that thought in mind,  Hugs & Heartstrings  pages started...
Join me and share my back yard journal, recipes, our pets,
"This is a site to promote awareness about Lupus and "people like me", that are "allergic to sunlight".

Lupus Facts
More then 1.4 million americans have Lupus
More people have Lupus then AIDS, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Scelosis, Sickel-Cell Anemia and Cystic Fibrosis combined.

To return to the web ring page CLICK HERE
To shorten load time, most web rings are now on one page.

I am listed in Family at Heartland Select

Surf Hugs & Heartstrings

Back To Contents

 Favorite Places  •  Back Yard Journal  •  Recipe & Cooking Links  •  What's New?!
Gatherings   • Furry Family   •  Moonflowers Home   •  The Little Girl In Pigtail
Living With Lupus  • Fibromyalgia


 This site name is copyrighted
please do not take the graphics, I own them and all rights to them.
There's  alink to other lovely Bimsan graphics below.
©PeggyDawn1999-2000Hugs & Heartstrings

Graphics by Bimsan