Dedicated to Cindy K:

exalted princess of forbidden pleasures...

13-year dedicated practitioner of surrendered wifery...

unabashed admirer of booties, large and small (but not flat)...


dirty, no-good, secret website exposer extraordinaire.





*(03-04-02):  the "shake that booty" pic has been updated to reflect more anatomically correct proportions of Cindy K... [Ed.:  cancelled, see below]

*(03-05-02):  Cindy K protests the "booty" pic as being overly generous;  However, 3 out of 5 respondents surveyed said that the pic is accurate as pictured, with 1 of the respondents commenting that further "enhancement" may be more realistic... [Ed.:  see update below]

*(03-06-02):  After careful consideration, numerous complaints by Cindy K and her supporters, and even  threats of litigation, the original "booty" pic has been re-instituted to the forefront (see above).  Although not quite realistic, it is a reasonable facsimile of the flat, unshapely, "MAN-BOTTOM"  that is actually evidenced in person.   For comparison purposes, the two are juxtaposed below:  plump vs. manly, respectively...  My sincere apologies go out to Cindy K for what was an innocent mistake.

*(03-12-02):  Since our last update, Cindy K has cried foul with regard to the adjectives used to describe her unsavory man-bottom.  Be that as it may, we at Cindy's House of Booty Love strongly uphold our right to free speech and are unwavering in "calling it like it is," with complete disregard to public outcries for political correctness.  However, we are not without sensitivity either and hereby offer an alternative, more palatable (read: polically correct) description that no one should find patently offensive:  AESTHETICALLY-CHALLENGED BUTTOCK MORPHOLOGY.