to the
1-IncomeLiving1 Website!
Hi! Welcome to the homepage
for the ladies and gentlemen of --
we're a pretty friendly group,
and so glad you stopped in for a visit!
This is a great group
of people!  We come from all over the world.....
 some of us may be right in
your backyard and others are as far
away as South Africa or Austrailia!!!
 Our Yahoo community was  founded
to help people who are living on one
income, or simply trying to live within
a budget or limited income. Anyone
who is interested in living better through
frugality is welcome to join us!
The website was founded in order to
branch out and reach even more
people, as well as share pictures of ourselves
and our families, to share ideas,
thoughts, recipes, tips, hints, tricks, links,
freebies and really great
money saving offers!
Please take some time to peruse our Website
and visit our Club and
perhaps come on over and
Subscribe to 1-IncomeLiving1
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Till next time....
Here's to Better Living Through Frugality!
And now.......   the fun stuff!
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our guestbook!  Even if you don't have a tip to
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Let us know how this site has helped you!
Even if it was just a nice distraction from
a hectic day!
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