So far we have traced branches of the Gannon Family from
"The Mill" in Dunleer, County Louth, Ireland, to England, The Republic of South Africa, Zimbabwe, United Arab Emirates, the United States and, of course, various areas within Ireland.
I became interested in family genealogy about 1990. Perhaps it was because the local professional football team traded for a quarterback named Gannon and my brother and I were wondering if we were related. After all, I thought, there aren't many Gannon's. I don't know if we are related to him but I do know there are a lot more Gannon's than I realized. If you should find a connection here, I would love to hear from you.
A Note Regarding Privacy: This information is posted solely as an aid to the genealogical research of those persons listed here and their relatives. If you find your own name, it means that one of your relatives has shared information about your family with others interested in genealogy, including us. This is an excellent method for learning about your ancestors, and I hope you will find information here for your files. Please contact me directly so that we can share what we know. If you should find your name here and you have additions, corrections, or comments, please contact me.