Even though I am not a catholic but this man has inspired me greatly with his life. We have not seen a man who has really put his life on the line for God, to live a life as Christ would have lived and to die as Christ would have died.
Our world have changed much and the beliefs in God may have dwindled over the decades but I believed that this pope has done a wonderful thing in bringing the church back to her foundation - Jesus and the Holy Bible. For even the world may change and people's desires and needs may change, Jesus our Lord and the Holy Bible will always remain the same. This is the certainity of our faith and I know that have brought many back to God's Kingdom..
Indeed as what the Holy Father said.. We need to bring the world to the church and not let the church be changed by the world. If so, the church will no longer be the light and salt it is suppossed to play. Wise words which i know that our Lord is greatly pleased.
With the passing of the Holy Father, we can only pray that our Lord will be merciful to us that the next pope will also be one that will be like Christ, to be a servant of God, living as how He would have lived on earth.
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