Welcome to Malvern
Children's Home.

P.O. Box 28083 Tel: (031) 4640236
Malvern 4055 email: malvch@mweb.co.za


Malvern Children's Home [M.C.H.] is situated at 11 Coniston Avenue, Mavern Queensburgh. It has been in exitence since 27/11/1963. The M.C.H. is a haven for 120 childern between the ages of 3 and 18 of diffrent cultures, creed and language.


The Children have been placed in our care by the children's court who has found them to be severly traumatized, emotionally injured and suffering; due to: abandonment, abused [sexual, physical] deprived family circumstances, neglect, destitution and uncontrollable behaviour. We have at times taken in children that arrived with only the clothes on their bodies and very sick.


Malvern Children's Home fall under the auspices of the Christian Social Services [Kzn-Natal]. The C.S.S. is registered with the department of social development as a N.P.O.with its own registration number; and also with the SARS in terms of section 18A of the tax act. The M.C.H.has its own constution and management structure. The M.C.H. prides itself in good management and has a proven record of sound financial accountability.

Mission Statement:

The Malvern Children's Home strives to provide physical, spiritual, psychological, educational and support to all children between the ages of 3-18 years in need of care with multi-disciplinary approach.

The Home:

has 10 seperate houses on the premises, each with it's own house parents (child care workers). The purpose of this system is to create a "home away from home" environment where the children can bond.

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