I'm A Motivated Mom
I'm A Motivated Mom

Hi - Welcome to my site.

My name is Deann Polanco. I'm a stay-at-home Mom that wanted to be able to get that necessary evil - house work - done and STILL have plenty of time for my son, my husband and myself.

I heard many people saying that they couldn't get the laundry or dishes done because they "have kids". When the parent that is already working full-time OUTSIDE the home, has to come home and do basic chores...he (or she) misses out on time with the kids too.

I made a list of everything that needed to be done in my house throughout the year and scheduled it on a calendar then a friend and I made it into a workbook format. The ebook "Motivated Moms: How To Get It All Done and Still Have Time for Yourself" was born.

To find out more about the Chore Planner ebook, please visit the Motivated Moms website.

Motivated Moms
