Hi cyber-pals!

    This is my homepage that wouldn't be possible if it weren't for my friend Diane.

I'm Alice, aka Slick -I'm a 53 yr. old mother of two....Lisa 33, and Matt 25. Oh yes and Joe my 3 yr. old Himalayan cat. I live in Texas but was transplanted here from California. After being here for 30 yrs. I consider myself a Texan!

I have various interests and loves, one being cats as you will see as you go through this site. I'm a water-colorist, crafts {right now it's birdhouses} , I love art, I was an art and psychology major in college, which I attended after the age of 40. That was an experience and I loved every moment of it! I love music, oldies {Elvis of course} country, pop of any kind except for this heavy metal and rap my kids are listening to! Right now my main interest is the Webtv, which introduced me to so many wonderful people from all over the United States. It's been a Godsend to me and many others, I'm sure, as I am disabled - home day in and day out! it keeps me out of trouble! It has broadened my horizons from the comfort of my own living room. I could go on and on about this but I think you get the picture!

I love God, my children, family, and this great country! I'm patriotic from the word go! I'm so grateful I was lucky enough to be born here, aren't you?

My own key to happiness? Just plain gratefulness! When I get low I start counting my blesssings and pretty soon I'm feeling better. A thankful heart doesn't have room for anythingelse.

That's it pals......now you know a little about me. I'm glad you are here and hope I get to know you all.


Please click on the "kitty" to continue. Thanks for stopping by and please go back and sign my Dreambook before you leave!