Welcome to the L & L web site.

Here are some family pictures...

Mini Reunion -- November 2005

Miscellaneous Photos - Oct 2004 -- Dec 2005

Mini Reunion -- September 2002

Mark & Mary's Wedding -- April 2002

The First Snow of 2002 in Virginia -- January 3

Island Party -- July 2001

Island Golf -- July 2001

The newest "J" -- Owen Scott -- Updated April 30, 2001

Easter 2001

CJ Singing Snowflake - Movie (2 minutes or so). Must view with Windows Media Player 7 or later.

Mike's Softball -- May 2000

Blizzard Of January 2000

State Fair -- October 1999

Beach Trip -- July 1999

Easter 1999

Christmas 1998

A Halloween Party -- 1998

Mae's Birthday 1998

Jack's Birth -- September 1998

Mark's Softball -- June 1998

Here are pictures from friends' weddings...

Debbie & Danny's wedding -- May 2000

Jamie & Mandi's wedding -- July 1999

Greg & Lynne's wedding -- November 1998

Other stuff..

Sewer Repair -- February 2002

Larry's dad, Clarence Johnson, 1906-1994, wrote two autobiographical books that cover a lot of the history of West Texas as he saw and remembered it. He wrote the book The Life of Me in 1978. Larry scanned the book and posted it to the Project Gutenberg site.