Welcome to my awesome room on the web! I have many interests including sports, hanging with my buds, computer programming (like Dad!), playing some online games and of course....BABES! Should I mention that I have done some modeling toooo???? Yeah, I know....well my Mom made me do it! LOL! This is a head shot from my portfolio.

Above, a current picture of me, now 6'3", relaxing in the study. Middle picture is from 8th grade, above right is Mark, an old friend. Then, me and some friends bowling in DESTIN, FL! We had a WILD time bowling...just don't ask about the scores!

Outside my house (halloween) and me and Mom

Me with Ethan and Myles at my Papa's In Navarre. They were down for Spring Break at The Holiday INN. We had a BALL! Coronas!!!

Pictured below are pics made at my games. I love basketball. I always score plenty of points, steal the ball, and get rebounds! I like to make my fans (family) proud and my team usually WINS! Some MOTTOS I like are: "If You Can't Run with the BIG Dogs, then Stay on the Porch!" Or, " it in you?" And finally, "Just DO It!"

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