Matt's Pictures

Click on titles below

[click] Matt's choo-choo train

[click] Matt and the guys

[click] Matt being silly


[click] Matt in Dover

[click] Matt sheetrockin'

[click] Matt and Reen

[click] Matt with the Firebird

[click] Matt's house

[click] Genius at work

[click] The Bill Elliot Jacket

To All: If you want to send more pictures to put on this web page, you can e-mail them to me. Also, you can send them regular mail or stop by the house and I'll scan them. I'm going to put more pictures on too.
Thanks to Carol and Bill for the pictures.
Added 1-23-00 Genius at work
Added 1-25-00 The Bill Elliot Jacket
                     Reen :)

Keith, Matt and Kyle with their frog on Father's Day 1997