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Have you ever wondered how to disciple a child that has received the Holy Ghost at a young age?  This book will assist you in teaching children ages 5 to 12 the necessary elements of a Christian walk with God.  The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6, KJV)  Through the compilation of these lessons, this is what we have endeavored to do.  We pray that this book is a blessing to your ministry. 

Mark and Glenda Alphin, authors



Recommendations for "Growing with God"

Foreword from "Growing with God"

Preface from "Growing with God"

Author Biography

Lesson List from "Growing with God"

"Growing with God" Chapter One: Why is a Junior Bible Study so Important?

Sample Lesson

Who is using "Growing with God"?  How can I use it?

Order "Growing with God"


Meet the Alphin Family

Preview upcoming lesson list for "Growing with God 2"




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