Hello! I hope you enjoy your visit to my nesting place.

My name is Diann and I live in beautiful West Tennessee. I am originally from the Northwest Chicagoland suburbs but I consider myself a Tennessean; not by birth, by choice.

I grew up with Howdy Doody, Elmer the Elephant and Uncle Neds Lunch Time Theatre (aka Bozo's Circus). I have seen television programs go from a small round screen to one that is too large for some living rooms. I welcomed disposable diapers, microwave oven, credit cards, ball point pens, copy machines, hot air popcorn machine, tape recorder, VCR (which I still can't program), DVD, satellite systems, ice makers, polio shots, ice cream makers, contact lenses, frozen foods, and many other modern technologies. . Too many to list. Lord-I even came before McDonald's and the moon walk ! Let's just say I ventured from the stone age to the information age. I wouldn't change a thing.

I went to public school where we were not only taught the three R's but also respect for our elders, courtesy towards each other and the value of a structured society. We obeyed laws, learned to make choices knowing we were responsible for the consequences of our choices. We hung around the city playgrounds, the skating rink, the corner candy store with the ice cream fountain and in each others homes. We played games drawn on the sidewalk in chalk, jumped rope, dodge ball, red rover, red light-green light and bounced golf balls off brick walls. When we partied we had music and danced. We didn't stay in front of the television or computer. The telephones were for emergencies only so when we wanted one of our friends we would yell "Yooo Jackie or whomever" as we approached their home. We gathered outdoors and we learned to entertain ourselves.

In high school we would frequent favorite spots such as Riverview (amusement park in Chicago), Skips (fast food like Sonic) where all the cool dudes with the nice cars hung and go to school or community park dances. In the winter was skiing, winter picnics and tobogganing. Of course there was always that first kiss, first boyfriend and so on. I sure would not want to go back to those days but I had a good time growing up.

Now I look at people my age and wonder how I got so old so soon, lol. I have earned every gray hair and each wrinkle stands for a smile I once gave someone. I have lived through many historical times; Korean War, Viet Nam, The Cold War, Alaska and Hawaii joining the United States, Watergate break-in, JFK asassination, New York power outage, Israeli Olympic team massacre, equal rights, Patty Hurst, nuclear power and last but most important to me- womens rights. I could go on and on, but I am sure you don't want to hear it all. I am proud to be a Baby Boomer!!

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