Special made for Sis Mabel Lim...

" At this stage of life , I guess the best way to excel well is through the many books we read.Why ?? Most likely is because exams are the main objective. However let not yourself forget to rest. Most important to take Good Care of yourself. This teddy bear here reminds me of you. 
Keep on studying and at the same time , rest enough too.

Click !!

 "Many things run through my mind. Sometimes I wonder what is the world coming to ?? Where are my friends when I'm in need ?? Life is a big mystery. 
You ponder but you will not know what will happen in the next few minutes or maybe the next few seconds. But I wonder and wonder so much. Happy moments and Sad moments has always been coming and going. But through your mail , you reminded me that I still have a friend who cares "

Click !!

Thanks for your Care and Concern. I truly appreciate it.
If you are ever in need you can also call me.

Reply at : Xeedee@yahoo.com

This page is Created at 2am on the 27 of July 2000 by Bro. Andrew Chin