SilverFreak's Homeroom

Chatsworth Chiefs / Northridge Knights

        We are the youth we'll take your facism away. We are the youth apologise for another day. We are the youth the politicians are so sure we are the youth and we're knocking on death's door. Never knew we were living in a World with a mind that could be so sure, with a mind that could be so small and the World is an open court. Maybe we don't wanna live in a World where innocence is so short. We'll make it up to you in the year 2000. Build it up for you in the year 2000! Make it hard for you in the year 2000! Build it up for you in the year 2000 with you.

- Daniel Johns

Welcome to the closing

-The SilverFreak

Air cruisin' (no Egyptians)Come see the sights from our New England vacation

Come see my friends!
Meet my family!
Silverchair! My favorite band!
Korn! My second fave!
Garbage! They're way cool!
Hanson! Little cuties!
My 'Junk Drawer'
Welcome to my room!
New stuff!
Updated 1~22~2001
Check out the new chat room in the friends page.

Got some 'Chair' videos and audios in the Silverchair page. (Click on the flashing lights.)

Frog Stompin'

Here are some real cool spots to visit when you leave here

The Silverchair Homepage The official Silverchair Site.
The LaughterShock Actually, this is my Dad's site. He's an old DJ but he's still real funny.
The Betty Boop Bimbo Nepotism again, (look it up), my Mom's cool Betty Boop Site.
Korn Homepage Follow the leader to the official Korn site.
The Offspring Homepage Pretty fly for a white guy. This is the official place.
Garbage Homepage This band is real cool, too. Check 'em out.
Littleton Memorial Dedicated to the victims of Columbine. We have to stop the violence!

I love your letters!E-mail The

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This is how many of my friends have crashed here since May 24,1999...(dope!)

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