Hello. This page is about the


family and relatives living in Southeastern Kentucky.

This page represents the immediate family and some direct relatives of Benjamin (b. 1913, d. 1977) and Clara (b. 1916) Liford, originally from Swanee/Forge Ridge Tennessee near Harrogate.

The Lifords (Lyford) migrated from Berkshire, England in the 1600s and eventually settled in New England, Virginia, then Tennessee. Ben and Clara moved to Southeastern Kentucky in the late 40s. They lived in the towns of Lily, Gray, London and Corbin. Ben succumed to cancer in 1977 at the age of 64. Clara still resides in North Corbin.

Ben was the son of Murray and Alice Carmack Liford, who both passed away in the early 60s. His siblings are: Etta Liford Sandifer (deceased), Hubert Liford (deceased), Rosa Liford Brown (deceased), Roscoe Liford (deceased), Fanny Liford Carmack (deceased), and Mossie Liford Lambert (Deceased, 2002).

Clara is the daughter of the lates Louvernia Pace Rowlett and Levi Garland (4/9/1893-9/23/1942). Her siblings are: Odra "Hoss" Martin (5/31/24-12/1/07) (London, KY), Warren Martin (3/5/21-7/15/96), Tommy Hensley (8/27/12-8/31/36), and Edna Hensley Ryan (5/20/30-3/21/06)


The children of Ben and Clara are, chronologically:


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