
As you can see, my cat Mishew is a very important part of my life.
She is part of my family and though she may have some fur and
whiskers, I still consider her to be my little baby.
We got Mishew (pronounced "me-shoe") when I was 10 years old.
Though we were not her original owners, we got her at a fairly young
age; she was three years old when we first brought her home. I can
remember it like it was yesterday, my mother had told my sister and I
that a friend of hers was looking for a new owner for her cat since she
was about to have a baby and also because she wanted to have a dog. As
anyone can certainly imagine, my sister and I were thrilled when
we heard the news. We had been bugging our mother for years to
get a pet and she always refused and it seemed like she was finally
giving in.
When my mother first brought Mishew home, we were all full of
"oooohhhhs" & "ahhhhs" :-) and mishew was frightened at being in a
new and strange place. The first thing she did when my mother
took her out of the box she had brought her in was run under the
couch and hide. We were disappointed because we wanted to play with
her and hold her but she would not come out. Thus we resorted to
forcing her out with a broom (hey we were kids!). After awhile,
she became a little more comfortable with being in our home and by
the next day, she looked like she was getting used to her new place.
Ever since that day, we have had our little baby with us through
the good and bad times. Having her for 10 years, I look back and
wonder how time could have just flown by so quickly. One of the
things that had always disappointed me was that Mishew had already
been spayed, thus making it impossible for her to give us a few
more little Mishews running around the house. :-(
Now at the ripe age of 14, I can see Mishew is aging slowly but
surely. She doesn't look her age though (there's no wrinkles!). I
love my cat with all of my heart and have thought many times that
I am not always going to have her with me, that she will eventually
have to leave my life. This saddens me deeply, knowing that I will
have to say goodbye to her one day. I am thankful that I have had her
this long and I hope and pray that I will have her for as long as
I'm updating this page, to let everyone know that my baby Mishew had to be put to sleep at the age of 16. She was sick and I believe losing her sight, and my mother thought it was best to put her to sleep so that she could finally rest in peace. When I received the call that my mother was planning on doing this, I broke down in tears. She said she would go to the doctor to see what his advice was, and the day she went, she called me afterward to tell me that she had to put Mishew to sleep. I was crying as if I had lost my best friend. I was very saddened at this news, but I now know that it was the best thing to do, to keep her from suffering more. But I will always have happy memories of my little baby and she will always be in my heart. I love you Mishew...now & forever...siempre seras parte de
mi corazon mi bebita...
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