Halloween parties are always fun!  A costume party complete with parade and prizes for everyone

         is great.  A pumpkin party with pumpkin carving or decorating as the theme is another neat idea. 


Bobbing for apples is a classic.  All you need is a big tub of water to float the apples on.

                              Then hold your breath, put your hands behind your back and go for it.

Pass the orange is another old stand-by.  Get into teams then the first person in line places

                            the orange under their chin and the passes the orange to the next person and so on.  No hands!

                            If you drop the orange it goes back to the beginning of the line.  First team to get the orange to

                            the end of the line wins.

The Mummy wrap is a fun one!  Teams once again and each team needs a mummy.  Teams of

                              three are a good size.  Each team gets one roll of toilet paper.  The team to wrap their first


Pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern is another version of pin the nose on the donkey.  Everyone

                              gets a turn to pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern.  They need to be blindfolded and don't forget

                              to spin them three times.  The one who pins their nose the closest is the winner.

A pinata is fun at any party.  You can make yours of papier-mache  or buy a ready made one

                              from the store.  Fill it with lots of goodies and let your guests take turns (blindfolded) trying to

                              break the pinata.

Pom-pom spiders are a fun easy craft.  Use large black or orange pom-poms for the bodies

                             and glue on wiggle eyes.  Glue four black or orange chenille stems in the middle to the bottom

                             of your pom-pom and bend them in to spider shaped legs.

Do marble painting to make a neat web for your spider.  You will need white paper plates and

                               black paint.  Make sure your paint is washable to come off fingers easily.  Take a marble and

                              dip it into the paint then roll it on the paper plate.  Use your imagination and you have a

                              spider web.

Cider, doughnuts and caramel apples are classics for any fall party.  Monster hands can be

                               made by first putting candy corn in the fingertips of clear plastic gloves, then stuffing them with

                                popcorn.  A plastic spider ring makes a spooky finishing touch.