Welcome to marthajr's Page

Let me start by introducing myself:

My real name is Michelle

My nickname marthajr came from my resemblance to Martha Stewart
In regards to her crafting, decorating, and cooking
Thank you's go out to my dear friends Anita and Sandy for giving me the name

December 1997 - Michelle, Anita, and Sandy

My hobbies include crafting, sewing, cooking,
Softball, and Girl Scouts

I also am a collector of cow items (my kitchen is overflowing).

I am the Softball Player Agent, Webmaster,
Newsletter Editor, and a Board Member for Union Park Little League
- where Lindsay and Rebekkah play softball

I am an adult girl scout, helping out Troop #1649 in Orlando, FL
- where Lindsay is a member.

Hey, got a comment, question, or recipe?
Do me a favor...say it, ask it, or send it
Just click on the mailbox to do it Thank You!!


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