Disposition of Henrietta Williams made in Moniteau
County, Missouri, dated September, 1922.
That on July 28, 1859 she was then past 16
years old, she was married to a man named Henry F.
Waters, or Walters (she does not know just how his
name was spelled); that said Henry F Waters had
come to Missouri from Kentucky, in which state he
had become engaged to a young woman, whose
name she does not know, but her father had
refused to permit her to marry him for some reason;
That a few days after the marriage of affiant with
said Waters, he received letter from this woman,
saying her father was then dead and if he would
come back to Kentucky, she would marry him; that
said Henry Waters brooded over the matter a few
days, he deserted the affiant and returned to
Kentucky and was married to the lady who had
written to him in two weeks afterwards, without
obtaining a divorce, but this was a rumor only
as she never heard directly from said Waters after
he deserted her
The following are excerpts from a disposition given by James G.
Walters on the 10th day of July 1907 at Evansville, Washington
County, Arkansas.
I was born in Oldham Co. Kent. On March 3rd, 1826.
I left there when a small child. We went from there to
Spencer Co., and then to Jefferson Co. for awhile. We
next moved to Russell Co, Kent. Then, when I was ten or
eleven years of age, I suppose, I then lived in that same
vicinity until I left for Missouri April 15, 1851. I lived
there in the Cumberland River Valley, about four miles
below a post office called Roena, and it was about ten
miles south of Jamestown. Perhaps two years before I
left there, I moved up within four miles, south of
Jamestown. From Kent., I went to Putnam Co., Mo. I
settled on a claim about six miles south of what is now
Unionville, on south Blackburg Creek. I lived there on
that place then until the latter part of 1862 , of the first
part of 1863, when I bought a mill and moved near the
same, on Spring Creek, about four miles north of
Greencastle, and just in the corner of Sullivan, Adair,
and Putnam Counties. I was living on that creek when
I enlisted and I was living there after the war, until I
came to Arkansas in 1866
..I had a brother John H., who was living a few
years ago, a few miles below Van Buren, Ark. But I
was not associated with him longer than
The wife of James Pierce, who has testified , is a
..The only other brother or sister that I
have living now, except the above, is Mary, wife of Jacob
Coffman, Crittandan, Camden Co. Mo. She is perhaps
26 years my junior
Disposition of Vincent S Vestal, M.D. given on the
24th day of July, 1907 at Stattlar, Crawford Co. Arkansas.
I moved to this place in 1877. James G Walters
was at that time living just a little over one mile south
of this place. I became acquainted with him at that
time, and knew him then until he moved off that