Research into this family has been extensive by myself and cousin
Louise Howell over the past 20 years. For years we hit stone walls
at every turn. We kept telling each other than someday we would
find the key to unlock our family history. We finally found that key
when we received the full pension records of James G. Walters.
On the 1850 census of Russell County, Kentucky we found one
Thomas Waters, age 67, born Maryland. Children living with him
were Ellen Ann; Henry F; John H; Sarah A and Mary C. We had
found this several years before but could not make a tie to
James G until we received the pension papers..
In those papers James stated he had a brother John and a sister
Mary. Also there were depositions from Ellen Ann Pierce stating
James was her brother. I will print some excerpts from those paper
under “Walters Pensions”. I also have pension papers on Henry F.
and John H that I will include in this section..
Going back to Oldham County, Kentucky and other census records
we find our Thomas Waters/Walters had the following children:.
2 males born 1810-1830 – no names
2 females born 1810-1820– no names
James G Walters, born 1826
Ellen Ann “Nellie” Waters, born 1828
George M. Waters, born 1831
Henry F Walters, born 1839
John Harrison Walters, born 1843
Sarah Waters, born 1844ca
Mary C Walters, born 1845
All children born in Kentucky..
As of 2006 we are still actively searching for a marriage record for
Thomas. We believe he married at least twice and possibly three
times. We have researched all of the above children. Some of these
families went by the Waters name, others Walters. In 1830 our Thomas
is listed as Walters, but in 1840 and 1850 he is listed as Waters. In
researching early records of Maryland we find both Waters and Walters.
This makes proving our line back further almost impossible. You will
note I said “almost impossible”. Seems Louise and I have some of the
stubborness of our ancestors, for we will not give up as long as we
are able to move! We continue to look for that next key to open those
doors. The known children of Thomas Waters/Walters are:.
According to family members and official records such as
death certificate, my great grandfather was JAMES G. WALTERS. It
is believed the G stood for Granville. Records indicate he was
born March 8, 1826 in Oldham County, Kentucky. He died May 4,
1913 in Crawford Co., Arkansas and one relative says he is buried
at the Zion Cemetery, Adair County, Oklahoma.
He married (2) Ann (Triplett) Davis in Russell County,
Kentucky in 1849. By 1852 he had moved the family to Putnam
County, Missouri. Sometime between 1860 and 1870 they moved to
Crawford County, Arkansas. One cousin relates that James and Ann
had quite an extensive holding in Missouri. This included a
grist mill, flour mill and many livestock. Land records indicate
he owned several hundred acres of land. The same cousin tells
that when neighbors discovered James had fought in the civil war
for the Union Army, he was burned out and all his livestock
killed. It was then that he moved his family to Arkansas.
After Ann's death James G. married Mrs America Barnett on
8-19-1880. No children of this marriage.
(* indicated my line)
* JAMES G. WALTERS - born 3-8-1826, Oldham County, Kentucky.
Died 5-4-1913 Crawford Co, Arkansas. Buried Zion Cemetery, Adair
County, Oklahoma. Married ANN TRIPLETT DAVIS 1849 Russell Co.
Ky. She born 1824/26. Died 1877. Daughter of JOHN "&" PATSY
TRIPLETT. Their children:
1. DAVIS, J.A. - Ann's son by first marriage. Born 1842
Ky. Married Elizabeth ____(?) and had at least one son J.W.,
born 1869ca in Arkansas.
2. * ZACHARIAH T. "ZACK" - born 5-4-1849 in Russell
Co., Ky. Died 10-23-1923 in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma and is
buried at the Box Cemetery near Vian, Oklahoma. Zack was a
farmer most of his life. He married EMMA HOWELL, who was born
1850 in Tennessee, the daughter of Henry Howell Sr. and Martha
Lowe Howell. They lived near Uniontown, Arkansas until about
1907 when they moved to Sequoyah Co, Okla. north of Vian to the
Blackgum Mountain community where their sons James Henry and
Andrew lived. It is said that Emma moved with her daughter
Myrtle "Mert" Walters Byrum to Atoka, Oklahoma where she died in
1925 after Zack's death in 1923. The children of Zack and Emma
A. * JAMES HENRY - born 9-15-1869, Crawford County,
Arkansas. Died 12-21-1947 in Muskogee County, Okla. He married
(1) Nettie Allison . Records indicate by 1890 he and Nettie
lived in Cherokee Indian Territory in Oklahoma. This is where
his first three children, all girls, were born. Family history
indicates that Nettie died either at the youngest daughters birth
or shortly thereafter. I believe he may have returned to
Crawford County after Nettie's death as he remarried on October
8, 1899 at Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas to Miss Armintie
Katherine Harp. She daughter of Wyatt Madison Harp and Delitha
Cumile Brasuell, born 3-20-1875 in believe Crawford Co.,
Arkansas. She died 8-14-1956 at Vinita, Oklahoma and is buried
at Haskell, Oklahoma.. Children of James Henry:
(First three by Nettie Allison Walters)
1. Vada - born 7-23-1890, Indian Territory, Okla. Died
5-30-1984 at Vian, Okla and buried beside first husband in Vian.
Married (1) Warner Merriott - 5 children; (2) George W. Fields -
5 children: Her children:
b. Chester Merriott - born 4-17-1912. Married Bess
Davis 1938. No children.
c. Bonnie Merriott - born 1913, died 1917.
d. Gilbert Merriott - born 1915, died 1986. One
daughter Frances Ruth, born 1952.
e. Blanche Merriott - born 1917, died 1986. Married
Frank Olguin. Two children: Joanne- born 1929. Married Jim
Stallings; Shirley Dianne, born 1943.
f. Lucille Fields - born 1919. Married Guy Ritter
1939. No children.
g. Lillian Virginia Fields- born 1921, died 1993.
Married Kenneth Cowart. Their children: (1). Helen Marie born
1940, married Raymond Dearman; (2) Geraldine Bernice - born
1942. Married Ray Lackey; (3) Thelma Juanita - born 1944,
married Dale Sutton; (4) Kenneth Ray Jr., born 1946; (5) Peggy
Sue - born 1945. Married Danny Vastine; (6) Bertha Allene, born
1947. Married Vance Thomas; (7) Rena Annette - born 1952, died
1953.; (8) Delora Lynn - born 1955, died 1958; (9) Judy Ann -
born 1956; (10) Benjamin Leroy - born 1953.; (11) Patsy Joanne -
born 1958. Married Mr. Carlton; (12) Gala Faye - born 1960.
Married Alvin Moore; (13) Destiny.
h. George W. Fields Jr. - born 1923. Three children -
(1) Larry, born 1965; (2) George Allen, born 1969; (3) Tammie
Denise, born 1970.
i. William Henry Fields, born 1916. Married Jean
Choate 1958.
j. Charles Herbert Fields, born 1928. Married Faye
Raye Hopkins. Two sons.
2. Clara Walters - born 9-16-1892, Indian Territory, Okla.
Died 2-5-1984 at Vian, Okla. Married (1) Bullet Fields; (2) Sam
Waters. Her children:
b. Lahoma Fields, born 1911, died 1992.
c. George Woodfrow Fields - died 1993.
3. Ollie Walters - born 1895 Indian Territory, Okla. Died
1935, Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Married Claude Delois Sanders, Sr.
5-13-1911, Crawford Co., Arkansas. He son of Robert S. Sanders
and Mattie Virginia Martin, born 1889 and died 1975 at Vian,
Okla. Their children:
b. Romona Sanders, born 1915. Married Larry Landsverk.
c. Nadine Virginia Sanders - born 1920. Married Andy
4. Ethel Martha Walters - born 7-27-1900, Indian Territory,
Oklahoma. Married (1) John George; (2) Bill Wood. Her children
b. J.R. - born 2-6-1927, Muskogee Co., Okla. Died
4-20-1987, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Married Juanita Sowers 6-16-1948,
Wagoner, Okla. Their children: (1) Joann Walters, born 1950.
Married Weston Hill - 1 daughter Heather Hill; (2) Wilma Dean
Walters, born 1956.
5. Floyd James Walters - born 5-27-1902, Indian Territory,
Okla. Died 9-19-1975, Haskell, Okla. Married Ardell Williams
1911. Their children:
b. James Clarence "J.C." - born 1928, died 1994.
Married Aliene Moore. Their children: (1) James Clarence Jr.,
born 1949, died 1970. Married Mary Neal 1952. 1 son , James
Edward, born 1969.; (2) Beverly Sue, born 1950. Married
J.D.Dillington 1968. Two children: (1) Julie Renie, born 1971;
(2) John David, born 1974. (3) Ronald Floyd, born 1953, died
1970. Married Billie Cooper. One son Ronnie Dale, born 1970,
died 1985. (4) Brenda Gail, born 1960.
6. Edna Parilee Walters, born 7-30-1904 Indian Territory,
Oklahoma. Died 1-17-1916 Vian, Oklahoma of pneumonia. Buried at
the Box Cemetery near Vian, Oklahoma.
7. Delbert Francis Walters, born 8-30-1906 Indian
Territory, Oklahoma. Died 19-7-1986 Flora, Illinois. Married
Lola Zelda Rice in 1925. In later years after Lola's death he
married Eveyln Dulaney Banhart. Children of Delbert and Lola
b. Tommy Ray - born 1930. Married Mildred ____. No
c. Bobby Joe - born 1935, died 1980 Illinois. Married
Judith Marie Cassolari. Their children: (1) Natalie, born
1980; (2) Johnathan Robert, born 1982; (3) Tina Marie, born
1961; (4) Tommy Lee, born 1967.
d. Jerry Wayne, born 1938, died 1939. Buried Haskell,
8. Carl Clifford Walters, born 7-30-1908 Indian Territory,
Okla. Died 10-23-1984 Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Married Dora Belle
Mangrum 1929 Muskogee, Okla. Their children:
b. Billy Joe Walters, born 1930, died 1932. Buried
Haskell, Oklahoma.
c. Clifford Walters, born 1932 Okmulgee Co., Okla.
Married (1) Genine Booker - 3 children; (2) Geraldine Gordon - no
issue. His children: (1) Ava Lavon, born 1951. Married
___Tansey, one daughter Jennifer Erin Tansey; (2) Pnyllis Ann
born 1954. Married ____Hardridge, 2 children; (3) Russell Lee,
born 1964, died 1985, Palestine Texas. Buried Haskell, Oklahoma.
d. Richard Walters - born 1941 Okmulgee Co., Okla.
Married (1) Ida Mae Hamilton. Divorced. His children: (1)
Ronald Wayne; (2) Brett Lee, born 1961; (3) Traci.
e. Glenda Walters, born 1945, Okmulgee, Okla. Married
Jamie Dixon 1961. Their children: (1) James Gordon, born 1964.
Married Cathy Endres 1982. 2 sons; (2) Clint Wayne, born 1966.
Married Carolyn Earheart 1984. One son; (3) Carmon - married
with one son; (4) Floyd, born 1974.
f. Alan Walters, born 1951, Okmulgee, Okla. Married
Linda Checotah 1972. Their children: (1) Shawna Renee, born
1975; (2) Leslie Rochelle, born 1981.
9. Opal Eula Walters - born 3-23-1910, Sequoyah County,
Oklahoma. Died 6-26-1991. Married Virgil Dotson (divorced).
Their children:
b. Joyce Dean. Married Gene Stephens. Their
children: (1) Ronnie - married with one child; (2) Sherri Renee
10. Lois Manda Walters - born 4-26-1913, Sequoyah County,
Oklahoma. Died 4-11-1980 Corpus Christi, Texas. Married Frank
Agee (Divorced). Their children:
b. Frankie Doyle Agee. Married with two daughters:
(1) Lisa Gaye; (2) Dawn
c. Lavern Agee. Divorced. no children
d. Charles Agee. Married - 3 children: (1) Allen;
(2) Gena; (3) Jason
11 * Lela Bessie Walters- born 3-5-1917, Sequoyah
County, Oklahoma. Married Vernon Lawson 5-24-1934 Muskogee,
Okla. Their children:
b. Billy Ray Lawson, born 5-14-1938 Haskell ,
Oklahoma. Married Marlene Bromley 1960. His children: (1)
Marty Sue - Adopted- born 1957. - 2 sons; (2) Jody Lynn, born
1961. Married Charles Porter - 2 sons; (3) Timothy Ray, born
1963. Married Elizabeth Kelley. Two sons.
c.* Carol Sue Lawson, born 6-27-1941 Muskogee
County, Oklahoma. Married Maurice King Johnson 1960. Their
children: (1) Maurice Keith, born 1961 - 1 daughter; (2)
Kimberly Sue, born 1962 - 2 sons; (3) Kevin Lee, born 1963 - son
Jake, daughter Jessica.
B. ANDREW "ANDY" WALTERS - son of Zack and Emma Walters -
born 4-5-1872,
Crawford County, Arkansas. Died 4-14-1918, Vian, Sequoyah
County, Oklahoma. Married Lillian Allison (sister to Nettie
Allison, first wife of James Henry Walters) . Her mother Mary
Franklin Allison was a Cherokee indian who had made the trip from
the Carolinas over the now noted "Trail of Tears" to Fort Smith,
Arkansas. She died in 1920. Their children:
b. Jack Walters, born 1918. Married Marjorie
Cox. Their children:
(1) Mary Margret, born 1948. Married Edward Stephens, 2
children. (2) Diana Gail, born 1943. Married Kent Van
Valkenburgh. Two childred - Katie and Chad .
c. Nina Margaret Walters - born 1922. Married E.
Flemming Jr. Two children: (1) Susan Marie, born 1954. Married
Gary Linde, 3 children; (2) Lisa Dorlean, born 1957. Married
Kevin Daniel Smith. Two children.
d. Carolyn Walters, born 1924. Married Kenneth
Hale. Her children:
(1) Clifford Wayne, born 1953. Married Debra Wilson, 2
children: (2) Marsha Lynn, born 1949. Married Bob Simpson. 3
e. Barbara Jean Walters, born 1930. Married
Carl Norton. Her children: (1) Carla Jean, born 1956. 3
children; (2) Charles Taylor "Chuck", born 1960.
a. John Terrell Walters, born 1917. Married
Chloe Spears. 3 children:
(1) Patricia Jean, born 1939; (2) Harold Dean, born 1942; (3)
John Terrill II, born 1945; (4) Paula Rene, born 1955.
b. Mattie Lillian Walters "Nino", born 1926.
Married Dan Ira Pilcher. Their children: (1) Michele Danette,
born 1954, Married Dr. Terry Fruits - 2 children: (2) Kelly Kim,
born 1958. Married Kirk August Peterson. 2 children. (3) Ira
Dan II, born 1962. Married Emily Ann Elder.
c. Paul Walters, born 1933, Vian, Okla. Married
Anna Cattaneo Adams "Tena" 1954. One daughter Shawna Ann, born
1957. Married Randy Rogers, 2 children.
5. Harry Walters, born 1902 indian Territory, Okla.
Died 1975. Married Mary Liston. Their children:
a. Emogene Walters, born 1922. Married Carney
Caughman. Their children: (1) Jeanette Caughman, born 1940
Married Arnold McGee, 4 children; (2) Teri ; (3) Dale; (4) Dean;
(5) Carney Jr.; (6) Carnella Jean; (7) Delana.
b. Louie "Sonny" Walters, born 1932. His
children: (1) Jimmy; (2) Terry; (3) Tina; (4) Dolly; (5)
Georgia Ann; (6) Craig David, born 1961, died 1984.
7. Pauline Walters, born 1911, died 1990. Married Joe
Smith. No known children.
NOTE: Members of this family report Andrew and Lillian had three
sets of twins that died as infants. It is believed they are
buried at Box Cemetery beside Andy and Lillian.
C. MATTIE WALTERS, daughter of Zack and Emma Howell
Walters, born 1879 at Uniontown, Crawford Co., Ark. Died 1964 at
Cedarville, Crawford Co., Arkansas. Married Abe Jackson 1899.
Their children:
a. Warren Jay Maxey, born 1929. Married Della
a. Sue Maxey, born 1927, died 1966. Married
Hurst Shaw.
b.E.J. Maxey, born 1926. Married Kathryn
Patterson. Their children:
(1) Earl Donald, born 1948, died 1977; (2) David Charles, born
1961. Married Teresa Gravley.
(3) Shana Kay, born 1963.
b. Stevin Jackson, born 1956. Married Kathy
Workman. 1 child
D. MYRTLE "MERT" WALTERS, daughter of Zack and Emma Howell
Walters, born 1884. Married Edward Smith Byrum 1898 Crawford
County, Arkansas. Their children are:
a. Prudence Brown, born 1919, died 1955. Married
Jim Pierce. 2 daughters: (1) Norma; (2) Gwen.
b. Shirley Ann, born 1934. Married Raymond
Olmstead. Three children: (1) David Charles, born 1956. Married
Robyn Gardner, one daughter Madelyn Ann; (2) Diane Elizabeth,
born 1958. Married Robert Burns. (divorced) One son Patrick; (3)
Douglas Robert, born 1963. Married with no children.
c. Charles Roger Byrum, born 1936. Married Ann
d. Kenneth Michael Byrum, born 1939. Married
Pamla Best. 3 children:
(1) Christopher Michael, born 1969; (2) Juli Marie, born 1971;
(3) Thomas Paul, born 1974.
a. James Ronald, born 1939
b. Judith Carol, born 1944. Married Dean
Alexander 1966. Two children: (1) Matthew Dean, born 1969; (2)
Suzanna Alexander, born 1971.
c. Rebecca Sue, born 1946. Married Leo
Bridgeforth. Their children: (1) David; (2) Kimberly Sue.
d. Katherine Gay, born 1950. Married (1) Herb
Maybee; (2) John Turner. Her children: (1) Shea Maybee; (2)
Shannan Maybee
b. Janice Buckner, born 1941. Married Ben
Stewart. Their children:
(1) Emily, born 1965; (2) Amy, born 1976.
c. Phillip Buckner, born 1938. Married (1) Peggy
Broadnax 1956; (2) Joan Boersma. Children of Phillip and Peggy:
(1) Deborah, born 1957. Married Mark Myers, 3 children, Jason,
Brian and Jessica.(2) Michael, born 1958.; (3) Donna, born
1960, Married Matthew Rambo. Two children Cole and Chelsea; (4)
Judy, born 1961. Married David Haas. Two children Hannah Grace
and William.
d. Karen Buckner, born 1951. Married Gary Wiese
1970. Two children:
(1) Jennifer Gael, born 1978; (2) Eric Tyson, born 1982.
a. Nora Jo Elrod, born 1943. Married (1) Loren
Graf; (2) Kent Middleton. Her children are: (1) Loren David
Graf, born 1964; (2) Jason Russell Middleton, born 1972;
b. Evelyn Joyce Elrod, born 1945. Married (1)
Larry Friesen; (2) Marvin Byrd; (3) Robert Stubbs. Her children:
(1) Aaron Byrd; (2) Adam Stubbs, born 1978; (3) Katie Stubbs,
born 1980.
c. Russell George Elrod, born 1950. Married
Barbara Wright. Their children: (1) Bryan Gregory Elrod, born
1981; (2) Stephen Russell Elrod, born 1983; (3) Megan Justine
Elrod, born 1987.
a. Eddie Joe, born 1944.
b. James Sidney. Married Ginger Brown, one child
c. Tillman, married (1) Ann ___; (2) Carolyn.
One child Marci Byrum.
a. Robert Lee "Robbie", born 1948, died 1973.
b. Sandra Lynn, born 1949, Married Fred R.Crocker
c. Larry Craig, born 1957.
b. Brent
c. Steven Victor "Coonie"
E. SALLIE WALTERS - daughter of Zack and Emma Howell
Walters, born 4-27-1890. Died 8-8-1966 at Stilwell, Sequoyah
Co., Okla and is buried at Box Cemetery, near Vian, Okla. She
married Edgar "Jake" Warneke the son of John and Annie Warneke.
He born 1893 and died 1927. Also buried at the Box Cemetery.
Their children:
2. William Jennings Warneke, born 1920, died 1993.
Buried Box Cemetery.
a. Thomas Edward "Ed" Walters, born 1875, died 1972.
Married Minnie L. Compton. Both buried at West Lawn Cemetery,
Henryetta, Oklahoma. 4 children.
b. John Reed Walters, born 1877, died 1945. Married
Florence Jones. Both buried Garden of Memories, Vian, Oklahoma.
One daughter Christine.
c. Walter Henry Walters, born 1879, died 1928.
Married Beulah "Lula" West. One son Haskell.
d. Bert Walters, born 1882, died 1950. Married Pearl
Watts. Both buried Round Mountain Cemetery. 11 children.
e. Bertha Walters, born 1884, died 1936. Married
Marshall E. Daley. 4 children.
f. Mont - born 1889. Married Cora Gossett. 2 sons
Glen and Frankie
g. James Clyde, born 1892, died 1982. Married (1)
Mary Frances Crook; (2) Sophie Neesby. One daughter by second
h. Mamie, born 1895 (twin), died 1992. Married
William Charles Cook. Both buried Box Cemetery, Vian, Oklahoma.
5 children.
i. Minnie, born 1895 (twin), died 1986. Married Sam
Caldwell. Both buried Sallisaw City Cemetery, Sallisaw,
Oklahoma. No children.
j. Sylvester "Vess" Walters, born 1897, died 1976.
Married (1) Mary Belle Hedrix; (2) Anna Belle Wells. Vess had 7
a. Lula Ann, born 1873, died 1948. Married George W.
Asbill. 6 children.
b. William A., born 1879, died 1936. Married Viola
Patterson (divorced). 4 children.
c. Andrew Jackson, born 1882, died 1955. Married
Nancy Susan Brasuell. Both buried Seabolt Cemetery, Sequoyah
Co., Oklahoma. 5 children.
d. Arthur "Haute", born 1884, died 1943. Married
Maudie Brasuell. Both buried Seabolt Cemetery, Sequoyah Co.,
Oklahoma. 7 children.
e. Jess Lee, born 1886, died 1963. Married Effie Ann
Routh. Both buried Sallisaw City Cemetery, Sallisaw, Oklahoma.
4 children.
f. Frances Marion, born 1893, died 1961. Married
Nellie James. Both buried Seabolt Cemetery, Sequoyah Co.,
Oklahoma. 6 children.
g. Frank, born 1897, died 1967. Married Nannie
Asbill. Both buried North View Cemetery, Sequoyah Co., Oklahoma.
6 children.
a. William Granville, born 1877, died 1969. Married
Dora Catherine Walker. Both buried Akins Cemetery, Akins,
Oklahoma. 8 children.
b. Volentine "Vol", born 1879, died in California.
Married Dora Green. 7 children.
c. Virgie Emma (twin to Vol), born 1879, died 1958.
Buried Akins Cemetery, Akins, Oklahoma. Single
d. Maude A., born 1884, died 1951. Married Robert E.
"Bob" Jeremiah. Buried Akins Cemetery, Akins, Oklahoma. 7
e. Ola, born 1885, died 1989. Married (1) Murphy Fine
- 3 children; (2) Frank Masterson. Buriedd Akins Cemetery, Akins,
f. Gillie Blake, born 1887, died 1973. Married (1)
Charles Smith; (2) Phillip Reeder. 5 children.
g. Troy Dale, born 1890, died 1915. Married Pearl
Lessley. Buried Akins Cemetery, Akins, Oklahoma. 4 children.
h. Gertie, born 1892, died 1974. Married Bert Brewer.
Both buried Akins Cemetery, Akins, Oklahoma. 2 children.
i. Tressie, born 1895. One son
7. GEORGE HENRY WALTERS, son of James G. and Ann Triplett
Walters. Born 1859 Missouri, died 1945 McCurtain County,
Oklahoma. Married Mollie Barrer. One step-son Luther.
8. SAMANTHA WALTERS, daughter of James G. and Ann Triplett
Walters. Born 1862 Missouri. Married John W. Allen.
a. Wilbert "Bert" , born 1884, died 1970. Married Mae
Hawkens. one daughter.
b. Daughter , died at 10 months.
c. Willie Myrtle "Mert", born 1887, died 1958.
Married (1) Frank Tassey; (2) ___Parton. 5 children by first
d. Lillie Ethel, born 1889, died 1970. Married Manie
George Jackson. Both buried Sallisaw City Cemetery, Sallisaw,
Oklahoma. 2 children.
e. Charles Henry, born 1891, died 1975. Married
Pearlie Alice Jackson. Both buried Blackjack Cemetery near
Muldrow, Oklahoma. 8 children.
f. James Luther, born 1893, died 1983. Married 3
times. Two children with second wife.
g. Joe Earnest, born 1895, died 1973. Married Minnie
Mae Shamblin. Both buried Ft. Smith, Arkansas. 4 children.
h. Dana Pearl, born 1898, died 1988. Married (1)
August Edwards; (2) Ralph Jones. Buried Sallisaw City Cemetery,
Sallisaw, Oklahoma. one daughter by second marriage.
i. Della Mae "Dale", born 1900, died 1983. Married
(1) Gordon Wren; (2) John Humpheries. One child with first
marriage, two children with last marriage.
j. Delmer Jewel, born 1906, died 1906. (Female)
2. Ellen Ann “Nellie” Waters, born November 1828 Oldham
County, Kentucky She died April 14, 1913 in Washington
County, Arkansas and is buried at the Garrett Creek
Cemetery. She married James Pierce in Kentucky. Their
Children are:
1. Elizabeth Jane, 1849-1938– married John Stephens
2. Cyrunes, 1855-1915– married Matilda Andrews
3. Mary, 1855-1943– married William Patterson
4. John Ode, 1859-1941
5. William, 1861-1939
3. George M Waters, born 1831, died 1860 in Camden County
Missouri. He married Elizabeth White in Kentucky. Their
1. Mary Ellen, 1850
2. Sarah Catherine, 1853
3. Luretta Jane, 1855
4. James Thomas , 1858
5. George Jr., 1860
4. Henry F Walters, born 1839 in Kentucky. Died 3-4-1891 in Kentucky.
He married Louisa Russell 1-22-1863 in Russell Co. Ky.
Their children are:
1. Lounetta, 1862ca-May 1926– married William Cook
2. Mary C, born 1866ca-1926-married Wm A Glover
3. John Zeyer, born 1868-1931-married Ida Murrick
4. Sarah, born 1869ca
5. George M, born 1874-1959-married Florence Kerns
6. Sopha, born 1878
7. Orien A, born 1884-1961-married Nora Kerns
5. John Harrison Walters, born 1841 in Kentucky. Died 1-10-1917
In Ellis County, Texas. Buried Italy, Texas. Married Christina
“Crissie” Baldwin in 1866 in Monteau County, Missouri.
Their children:
1. James Thomas “Jimmie”-1869-1912 married Lucy Smith
2. John Morrison, 1872 – – married Mary Alice Plant
3. Nina Mae, 1874– – married Joseph A Nixon
4. Fannie Leona, 1878 ––– Married James Shippey
5. Othello Edward “Eddie”, 1881 – -
6. Jessie Harlan “Loving”, 1890 – 1948
7. Unnamed infant
6. Sarah Kizar (?) Waters, born 1844ca Russell Co. Ky. Died 1888
Linn Creek, Camden Co. Mo. Buried at Freedom Cemetery, Camden Co,
Mo. Married Isaac Newton Anderson in 1860 in Camden Co. Missouri.
Their children:
1. John Henry, 1861-1925
2. Sarah "Sally", 1863-1926
3. Tom Harrison, 1867 - 1954
4. James William "Bill", 1871-
5. Mary Nancy, 1873-1966
6. Charles A. 1879-
7. Rachel Leona "Oney", 1882-1907
8. George A, 1886-1900
7. Mary C. Walters, born 2-5-1845 Russell Co. Kentucky. Died
8-28-1930 in Versalles, Morgan Co. Missouri. Buried at the Versalles
Cemetery in Morgan Co. Mo. Married Jacob Coffman. Their children:
1. Margaret, 1865-
2. Thomas, Feb.1866-Dec 1866
3. Susan A, 1869=
4. Sarah E., 1871
5. Viola Elizabeth, 1874-1959
6. Kellis, 1878-1952
7. Daniel , 1881-1882
8. Jacob, 1883-1949
9. Mary Eilen "Molly", 1886-1963
NOTE: There are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding these
families. Notice how many of these children had a middle name of
Harrison. Could this be a mother's maiden name? Which is correct
spelling; Waters or Walters ? I suggest you look at some of the
pictures I have posted to the website. Notice the resemblance
between these families. That Walters look comes down several