Hey! You found my "NEW STUFF" page. This is just what we
have been up to. If you are family and you want something
posted, let me know I can plug it here. Suggestions...travel
plans....family reunions...birth/wedding
Yes our days in Japan are over. We have moved to Guam! After Guam we will
have to wait and see what the Lord has in store for us. I would like to be
retiring from the Navy, but that has not been finalized yet. Family
members, it is U.S. Territory, so you don't need passports to visit. That's
if you wanted to try something new and visit us (smack down, with love).
Our new e-mail address is all4jesus@guam.net, drop us a line. Enjoy and God
I will be updating our pictures soon. I have some of our new German
Shephered and some from fun at the beaches. I'll try to get some from
underwater once we all start diving soon.
Please take a minute and sign my guestbook before you leave.
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